Friday, July 13, 2012

The BIG Move

WARNING: This may be my longest blog EVER!!!!

We FINALLY have internet and I’m back in motion! Yay! Okay, it wasn’t all that miserable without cable and internet, especially since I have had a ton to keep me busy, but I am very glad to have my blogging capabilities back. So where was I? A week without blogging and I feel so behind!?

The BIG Move:

Before I get to the actual day the kids and I left for Colorado, lets back track a bit to the old house packed in New Mexico all ready to go. I wasn’t able to share some pictures in the last post I did because my camera was on its way to our new house while the kids and I were still back in good ole’ NM.

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Honestly, without some of our AMAZING friends, this move would have been a million times more difficult. Here is the night before we got the moving truck. Justin and Scott were awesome to watch because they carried down some really heavy furniture pieces like they were nothing. I am so grateful for all the people who were willing to help us.

And here is what our house looked like the morning of Moving Day….

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This is the 3 car garage. We really tried to have things packed, wrapped and ready to load.

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There were walls of totes and boxes,

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Some things looked a bit less organized and a lot more chaotic than others,

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and EVERY room downstairs was ready to be carried outside and ready to be loaded onto the truck.

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So once the moving truck came, was loaded, and Brandon and his Dad were headed up to Colorado, the kids and I stayed back in New Mexico for two more nights. Friday night I mainly spent the evening cleaning the old house. Saturday afternoon, the kids and I headed to church one last time to volunteer and say our super sad Goodbyes to all our friends there. It was an emotional goodbye. I made some wonderful friends volunteering on Saturday nights (Natasha, Joe, Shane, Don and Denae, to name a few) in the preschool ministry and I am going to miss them all, including the kids I was able to teach, so so so much! After church my parents watched the kiddos so I could enjoy one last night out with my 4 very BEST FRIENDS; My Sister, Kaitlyn, Melissa and Cammy. We went to a local restaurant at the Santa Ana Golf Course called Prairie Star and sat out on the beautiful patio overlooking the Golf Course and enjoyed some delicious Wine and Dessert. It was a wonderful evening spent with the absolute BEST company. We talked, reminisced, laughed and cried. Honestly a PERFECT evening. Sunday morning, we woke up, went to church and then it was time to leave.

I honestly can not put into words how absolutely heart breaking it was saying goodbye to my Dad, Sister and Niece. I have been so blessed to have them within a 5 mile reach my entire life, not to mention the close bonds my children have created with them being so close, that it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I think the hardest part was hearing my Dad say goodbye to Owen. Those two are so close and have the most amazing bond I have ever seen, that it literally tore my heart to pieces watching them kiss each other goodbye. I am 100% positive that this is where God wants our family at this point in life, but that doesn’t make the goodbye’s any easier. After all the goodbyes were said and done, we hit the road at about 11:30am and were Colorado bound.

I cannot explain how wonderful it was to have my Mom come along with the kids and I. Not only did it make the drive a million times easier on the way up, it was so wonderful having her there with me to share the journey with. She was so helpful and an absolute blessing to have with me. I have the two most AMAZING parents in the universe, I am POSITIVE of that!!!!!


The van was jam packed on the way up and there was little leg room for the kids, but they did great. Minus the fact that neither of them really napped :( my kids are not car sleepers.


The “pit stops” were very minimal, but when they did occur, it was really nice to have an extra set of helping hands, lol!


A break for Lunch and Gas,


a few REALLY YUCKY rainstorms and miles of backed up traffic,

But by 6:10pm, we were FINALLY ‘home’…


and there was one super handsome and EXTREMELY exhausted man waiting there for us! Poor Brandon worked his butt off making sure the house was somewhat livable when we arrived. He is such an amazing husband. Also want to give a huge thanks to Uncle Don, Aunt Bev, Aunt Rose, Ellie, Becky, Grandma & Grandpa for all the help! When I arrived, the majority of the furniture was assembled, my ENTIRE kitchen was unpacked, the kids closets were unpacked and neatly hung and we had dinner in the fridge and goodies galore! We are so blessed with some amazing family members who were anxiously awaiting our arrival in Colorful Colorado!

From the second we arrived we have been busy, busy, busy. As I was anticipating, there has been very little rest time and lots to keep us occupied. My Mom was so wonderful and extremely helpful to Brandon and I while we were trying to get things set up, unpacked and keeping the kids occupied through it all. Unfortunately, I don’t have any ‘really updated’ pictures of the house, all I have is up until Wednesday which was the day my Mom left. I know Wednesday was only 2 days ago, but looking at these pictures, we have done A LOT since Wednesday. Here are some pictures of the house thus far (I will do an official walk though of our new home in a few days, I promise)…

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The garage still definitely leaves something to be desired. There is a clear walking path and that is all I care about at this point. Haha. I don’t think this will look all that great for sometime to come.

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Here is my Mom and I in the midst of unpacking. Yes, I am drinking some Dr. Pepper for all you who REALLY know me. The caffeine is both motivation and ammunition for me.

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Here is the 1 complete room I had done at the time. This is the Family Room. The only ‘problem’ was that our giant sectional didn’t quite fit. We removed the one section that had the chase lounge on it and the problem was solved!

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Our backyard is AMAZING! The only ‘downfall’ is that is backs up to a main road, but since we are just renting for the time being if this is one of the only ‘downfalls’ than I am super happy. And quite honestly, the kids have played outback EVERY day and the noise hasn’t bothered us one bit.

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Here is what will ‘one day’ be our office.


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And here is looking from the front door into the house. The layout is really similar to the house we had back in New Mexico.

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And here you have the basement which is home to the Guest Bedroom/Playroom. There is also 3 HUGE storage areas and a full bathroom!

Other than unpacking and decorating, we have been busy busy busy keeping the kids occupied, happy and entertained….

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Tuesday evening, Brandon and his Dad were busy converting our grill from gas to propane while my mom, the kids and I enjoyed our time playing in the backyard.

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We dropped my Mom at the airport on Wednesday around 3pm. It was so sad leaving her and knowing I am not going to see her again until NOVEMBER!!!!! Yikes, the longest I have EVER been away from my parents. It’s been hard but I am working through it. Honestly hasn’t had enough time yet to fully sink in. Give me a couple weeks and I’m going to be nuts. I think since the kids have taken so well to their new home and new environment/surroundings it has made this move so so so much easier on me. The kids really love the new house and have been exploring every second and I am so so so grateful for that. We were even able to enjoy our very 1st dinner in our new home as a family of four Wednesday evening.

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Thanks again Becky/Mama B and Michelle for bringing us over some dinner to enjoy! It was delish and a huge blessing I didn’t have to worry about cooking dinner!!!

Thursday after naps, we headed over to Becky’s/Mama B’s townhouse for a nice swim in her neighborhood community pool. My sister-in-law Megan and my niece Bailey also accompanied us. It was such a fun and MUCH needed afternoon....

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Pool time!

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Brandon, Autumn, Bailey, and Megan. Autumn loved her little baby cousin.

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Brandon and Owen blowing bubbles in the water for baby Bailey!

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I have the most adorable niece’s in the entire world. Its pretty funny because Bailey is only 6 months old and is only 2 lbs. lighter than Autumn who will be 2 next week. Autumn is so teeny and Bailey is such a chunk! Lol.

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Sweet Bailey. Its pretty funny because Bailey looks like Brandon when he was a baby and Autumn looks like Megan when she was a baby. Guess they could swap babies and no one would know the difference. Hahaha.


Other happenings…

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Brandon didn’t shave for 6 days and it was the hairiest I have EVER seen him. Lol. Poor guy can’t grow a beard even if he tried.


I completed my very first grocery shopping trip solo with both kids in tow in Colorado flawlessly. Haha, it’s the little accomplishments that make me so proud!


And we already made a trip to IKEA. We needed a few household items so instead of going to Bed Bath & Beyond like usual, we decided to go to IKEA! Hooray, I have an IKEA within 15 minutes from my house! Loving Colorado already!


I think that about sums up my last week. I promise to get some more pictures of the house up soon. Take care, it’s off to bed for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful posts! Welcome to CO! We are all thrilled that you are here! I am confident that you taking a journey that God has planned for you.(Jermiah 29: 11-14)Enjoy the ride! Love you lots!!!