Sunday, July 29, 2012

Autumn’s 2 Year Check-Up


Phone Pics of Autumn 023Autumn's 1st Birthday Party! 082Autumn's 2nd Birthday!!! 099

(1 Day Old, 1 Year Old, and 2 Years Old)

So much has changed over the past 2 years!!!

As you all know, our Sweet Little Baby Girl turned 2 last week! After lots of searching and suggestions, we finally chose a pediatrician for the kiddos. It was pretty high up on the priority list upon moving because I knew Autumn would need her 2 year old wellness check-up and shots only 2 weeks after moving. I chose Dr. James DeMahy at Arapahoe Park Pediatrics. Thankfully, I did GREAT. I loved the office/staff and more importantly I LOVED the doctor. He was really nice, personable and really made Autumn feel very comfortable.


So here are Autumn’s 2 year Stats ( I will also compare them to Owen’s Stats from when he was 2):

                        Autumn:                                                            Owen:

Weight:      20lbs. (-13 percentile)                                   27lbs. (40th percentile)

Height:       32.75in. (22nd Percentile)                            36.5in. (93rd percentile)          

I know! It is pretty crazy how incredibly tiny Miss Autumn is. Everyone keeps saying, “but look at her mom, her mom is tiny”. Although that may be true, especially my height, but in all honesty I wasn’t that tiny as a toddler. At a year Autumn was in the 1 Percent for weight, at 18 months she went down to the –10 Percentile and now here we are at 2 years and she is in the –13 Percentile. Is everyone seeing this downward trend? So what now you may ask?! Well, Dr. DeMahy would like me to send over her growth chart since this was his first time seeing her and he didn’t have her full updated chart quite yet, but he is a bit concerned. When the nurse typed her weight into the computer to record it, a big sign popped on the screen that said, “Weight: cause for concern.” Not really what you want to see as a parent. Any who, the doctor is mainly suggesting that we run some blood work on Autumn to make sure she is not suffering from some sort of growth problem. For example her body may not be properly absorbing proteins like it should be. He wasn’t overly concerned, especially since her development and speech is totally on par for where she should be, but on another hand, he doesn't really just want to ignore the fact that she is on a downward slope with her weight (not so much losing weight, but lack of gaining it). So as her Mom, I would be completely lying if I said I wasn’t concerned too, but I am trusting God that it will be nothing and we will in fact be 100% reassured that we just have a tiny daughter on our hands. A positive thing is that she is at least on the charts for her height now. Lol. So to sum up her doctor appointment, aside from her weight the doctor was very happy with her development and her ears seem to look great after her Ear Tube Surgery!

And my summery of my little Autumn at 2 is that she is an Energetic, Wild Child, Full of Personality, who LOVES to watch Team Umizoomi, Loves to play with Baby Dolls, Loves to Laugh, Loves her Family, is Very Independent, Has an Extreme Attitude Problem, Loves to give kisses & Hugs, is very Stubborn, and is a Strikingly Beautiful Precious Child from God! I could not be more thankful that God has given Brandon and I this sweet child to raise and I am anxiously looking forward to seeing the future God has planned just for her. We love you our sweet Autumn Rebekah Burgess!!!

I forgot to add that the person I think Autumn looks up to the very most is her big brother Owen. Don’t get me wrong, the two of them fight like crazy, but at the end of the day, they have this bond that I absolutely LOVE to watch…


They love being silly together.


And when Autumn is sad or hurt, the first one she goes to to console her is her Big Brother…


And to her that is the Best feeling in the World.

So Precious! So Blessed! And oh, so very Thankful!!!!

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