Sunday, December 4, 2011

In the Christmas Spirit….

Well, December 1st has hit and we are all in the Christmas Spirits. Thanks to wonderful Mimi, we have started the Elf on the Shelf tradition with the kids this year. For those of you who are not familiar with the Elf on a Shelf I will give you a brief summary. Santa sends an Elf to live in your home for the month of December. The Elf watches everything and everyone in the house and each night flies back home to the north pole to report to Santa who has been naughty and who has been nice. You have to name him upon his arrival. Owen named him “Crowley”. Why? Well, I still have no clue where he got this name from but he also named his pumpkin Crowley this year too. Each morning when the kids wake up they run down to see where the elf has moved to after his trip home from the north pole. The one rule is no one can touch the elf or he loses his “magic” and he can no longer fly home to give Santa his report. Owen loves our new family elf and really enjoys finding him each day. He talks to “Crowley” all day longs and loves to ask him to tell Santa things for him. Hahaha. It has been really fun and a new tradition that will carry on for years to come.  

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On November 30th, we got a knock on the door and found this at the doorstep. Owen was beyond excited!!!

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Where is Crowley??

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Here he is chilling on top of the kitchen cabinets.

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Hanging from the Dinning Room Chandelier.

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Owen was cracking up this morning when he came down and found that Crowley was in a picture wrapped on the wall and drew Glasses, a Mustache, and a Beard on his 3 year old picture. Lol. Silly elf!

Other fun things keeping us in the Christmas Spirits are….


Our annual 24 Days of Christmas Chocolate calendar count down courtesy of Auntie Kiki. Thanks so much for keeping this Christmas tradition going for the 3rd year now, the Kids LOVE it!


And our new Manger Count Down to Christmas. This is so adorable. It tells a very detailed Christmas story about the Birth of Jesus each day. This kids have so much fun listening to the sweet story each morning while eating their chocolate. Thanks so much Mimi!

Well, with the Christmas season also comes nice cold weather. The high has been in the low 30’s the past few days and tomorrow is supposed to be 28! Yikes, that is pretty cold. We have also been getting very light dustings of snow for the past two day, so much fun. While shopping the other day for Christmas gifts I came across an adorable pair of Snow Boots for Autumn. I know it never snows much here but they were too cute to pass up…


Autumn absolutely LOVES her new snow boots and insists on wearing them around the house for no reason. She has so much fun stomping around in them and saying “boots”. She is so funny!

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And to help keep the Christmas Spirits going we decided to have some of our very good friends over yesterday and decorate some Sugar Cookies. The kids had a blast!

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There is Aiden decorating away. Owen just adores Aiden and looks up to him so much! So thankful for such amazing friends.

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Cookies decorating also brings lots of samplings! Averie had to lick her knife clean after each cookie. Don’t worry they each had separate icing cups so there was no double dipping. Lol.

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Autumn made sure she wasn’t left out. She decorated one cookie and then went on to eating mini M&M’s.

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It is safe to say the kids were on a massive sugar high yesterday.

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On the Left is the cookie Autumn did and the right are two of Owen’s. Before I could notice, Owen was taking a bite out of each cookie after decorating it. Hahaha. I told him not to do that anymore and he told me, “Mom, I have to taste them after I  decorate them to make sure they taste okay for Daddy.” Needless to say when daddy got home Owen was so anxious and handed him a cookie with a big bite out of the corner. He cracks me up.

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And here are a few of Aiden & Averie’s Masterpieces!

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And after all the cookies were decorated there was lots of playing to be done.

What a fun fun fun afternoon spent with some amazing friends! Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What darling pictures of wonderful holiday memories! Owen looks so handsome in glasses and facial hair!!! Ha-Ha!!! Autumn's boots are adorable too! She is already a fashion princess:) Thanks for always keeping us "posted" on the Burgess family daily events!

Love you,