Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Yesterday was quite the day. I took Owen to school and then took myself to the doctor. Yes, AGAIN! I tell you, the sickness in the Burgess household has been rough this fall. Anyway, after a nice dose of antibiotics I should be back to my old self in a couple days. After the doctors Autumn and I came home, did some laundry and we were back off to pick up Owen from school. My sister had a class for work so I had offered to watch Abi for her while she was at her class. She came over around noon so she could put Abi down for a nap. Well, my poor sister was not feeling well either, she woke up throwing up (just a side note, no she is not pregnant, just a stomach bug). Yucky. Anyway, she headed to her class around 1 and I had a peaceful house for an hour. At two all the kiddos woke up and poor abi’s tummy was now not feeling well. Without going into details, lets just say I had quite the mess of a diaper/baby to clean up. Once I got her all cleaned up and situated the 3 kids and I headed out for Costco to pick up a few much needed household items. My sister got back around 4 and the two girls went back down for another nap. Since her Hubby was going out with some friends and mine volunteers at our Church on Tuesday nights we decided to hang out together until bedtime to let the cousins play. We gave the three a bath together, had a pj party and ordered pizza for dinner. It was a fun sight I am sure watching my sister and I try and watch 3 kids while we were both sick. We kind of laid there on the floor and let the kids have free reign of the house. Even though we were both sick we honestly had such a great time just hanging out and watching the 3 cousins bond. What an absolute blessing family is. Here are a few pictures from our day. Warning, the pictures are pretty terrible quality since I used my phone. Enjoy.


Here is my big cheese ball waiting patiently at the doctors with me. Her little personality kills me. She is so much fun!!!


Here are the kiddos at Costco. I can not even explain the amount of strange looks I get from people when I take these 3 to the store. I have to admit, I have got this 3 kids thing down to a science!



Cousin Bath Time.


My sweet precious niece. She is such a blessing to me. I am so very proud and honored to be her Auntie!


Just a note, Abi is not terrified in this picture, I accidentally caught her in the middle of a big yawn. My sister and I were cracking up at the face I got so I had to share it. Hahaha.


All clean and ready for bed!

Bonus Picture:


So this picture is from this morning, but it was too stinking cute not to share. This is a hand-me-down outfit from Olivia, isn’t it so precious.

Have a great rest of the week and I hope you are all staying healthy unlike us!

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