Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our Week…

We started our week off on Monday morning with a trip to the mall play area. I try and take the kids there at least once a week to burn off a little extra energy and to get out of the house other than to run errands. After the playing for a bit we decided to walk down to Auntie Ann’s Pretzels to get some lunch. Since the kids were behaving so well, we decided to stay and eat in the food court.



Later that evening Daddy came home from his very quick trip up to Denver with his friend Gavin. They went to watch the Bears vs. Broncos Football game on Sunday. Poor Gavin came back very sad since his Bears lost to the Broncos in overtime. My hubby on the other hand was quite excited with his teams WIN! GO BRONCOS. Daddy missed his kiddos so much and decided he wanted to take us all out to Dion’s for dinner. Eating out twice in one day is unheard of in our house so the kids were pretty stoked.


The kids were pretty much attached to Daddy’s hip once he got back. They love their Daddy!


Tuesday was a pretty exciting day for Owen. They were having their Christmas Party at his Pre-School. They were all supposed to wear their PJ’s to school because they were going to take an adventure on the Polar Express. Each child was also supposed to bring a dozen cookies too! Owen and I baked up a delicious batch of Chocolate Chip Candy Cane Cookies.




Owen was very anxious to show off his cool new Bell Ornament he got from Santa and his Train Ticket for the Polar Express. Here is the face he gave me when I asked him to smile big. Lol. And here is the cool stocking he got to make at school. Inside is a picture of Baby Jesus in the manger he colored. So sweet.

And this morning we had a mini play day at our house. We invited our good friends the Biestline’s and the Altman’s over to do a fun Christmas Craft together! Owen could not wait for them to arrive because we were going to make Ice Cream Cone Christmas Trees.

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So you put a waffle cone upside down on a cookie, Ice it with green icing and then Decorate with Candy. The kids had so much fun decorating their trees. And of course there was lots of sampling going on.

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This is her, I have had way way way too much candy smile!

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What a super fun idea for 1 & 3 year olds. Thanks pinterest for the great idea!

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Then these three decided they wanted to preform “Jingle Bells” for us. They were quite hilarious to watch!

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And when singing got old, they decided to start jumping off the ottoman. They make me exhausted just watching them.

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Can’t wait for the next couple days as a family on Daddy’s Days Off

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