Thursday, December 15, 2011

Owen’s 1st Pre-School Performance

I can not believe this day has finally come. Owen had his 1st ever Pre-School Performance this morning. His school, All Saints Lutheran Pre-School, presented a “Christmas Joy Around the World” program. Each class, there are 3, did a Christmas Song from around the world. There was Christmas in Germany, Christmas in Spain and Christmas in Italy. Owen’s class did Christmas in Spain and sang the first verse of Silent Night in English and Spanish. Brandon and I were anxiously awaiting this morning because Owen has been practicing his song non-stop over the past month and I have to admit he is really really good at it, even the Spanish part! My Parents, Kaitlyn & Olivia also came to watch Owen’s school program. It meant so much to Owen to have them all there to watch him. When he locked eyes with Olivia he shouted “Hi Olivia” in the middle of dead silence and Olivia shouted “Hi Owen” back to him very loudly. It was the sweetest thing ever. The program was the most adorable thing I have ever seen and it just melted my heart to pieces seeing my child up on that stage. When all the kids first walked in down the long aisle they were all waving to their friends and family. Owen saw Nana and Pampo first and gave them a huge shout hello. Owen was so brave and confident up on that stage in front of all those people. I could not possibly be any more proud of my son! I am so glad he didn’t get Mommy’s terrible stage fright. We were not able to take any flash photography during the performance but we have it all recorded and will hopefully put that up soon for all the family who is dying to see it. Here are some fun pictures from the morning.  

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Owen and Autumn all ready to head to school! Don’t they have such goofy smiles. I love it!

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The Program Breakdown.

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Awe :)

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Brandon, Autumn and Olivia waiting for the show to start!

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All the kids lined up after the program for parents to take pictures. They were all so so so adorable!

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There is my Big Handsome Boy! I can not believe how fast time flies. I feel like just yesterday I brought this little boy home from the hospital. I am so honored God entrusted me as this little Boy’s Mom! Love you so much OWEN!!!!

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Once pictures were over, Owen ignored Mommy and Daddy and went strait to say hi to Pampo and…

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Olivia. I can not tell you how Happy Owen was that Olivia came to see him. He took her around and showed him his entire school and explained everything he does there. Thanks again so so much for coming Olivia & Kaitlyn. You guys mean so much to our family. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

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When he was finished saying hi to the important ones, Mommy finally got her hug she was waiting for.

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After the performance we headed over to the fellowship hall for cookies and punch. Yummy!

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Sugar overload.

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Mrs. Frances even stopped by to tell Owen what a great job he did. She is such a wonderful teacher. Owen just adores her! He is sure going to miss her for the next 3 weeks during Christmas Break.

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These two are usually up to no good. I think Pampo was sneaking him extra cookies!

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Family Picture

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Of course, the one that the kids look great in, Mommy and Daddy aren’t paying attention! Haha

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When we got home we let Owen open up his present he got from his Preschool.

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He got an ornament. He was so excited and quickly found the perfect spot on the tree to hang it. Owen also made us a special present for Brandon and I that he brought home, but we are saving that one to open up on Christmas morning.

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His new ornament and the ornament he made at preschool. He told me he got to use a star cookie cutter to make it. So precious!

Thanks for checking out these very very special pictures from a day we will never forget. I can not tell you how happy we are with our decision we made to put Owen in this amazing Preschool. Congrats Owen, we are so very proud of you Son!

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