Thursday, December 8, 2011

Trip to See Santa

Today was a very exciting day for the kids. Why? Because we were going to visit Santa this afternoon at the mall. Autumn didn’t really get built up excitement because she is still too young, Owen on the other hand was ecstatic! He has been looking forward to this day all week long. When the kids got up from their naps, they each got to write a special letter to give to Santa. I helped Autumn with hers and Owen wrote his all by himself, I just told him how to spell things. Once the letters were written, we packed up and headed to the mall. It was so nice to walk right up and not have to stand in any lines. Owen went right up to Santa and said, “Hi Santa, my name is Owen. Would you please bring me a new cool computer game this Christmas?” It was so adorable. Autumn on the other hand, handed him her letter and then freaked. I mean it, the girl was terrified. Poor thing was shaking when I pulled her off Santa’s lap. At the end they each got a candy cane and that made things much better! Such fun memories for the kids.

  Santa 2011 001

The picture on the left is Autumn’s letter to Santa. She is asking for a new bike helmet this year. She asked Pampo & Nana for a scooter like big brothers so she figured she is going to need a helmet like big bro’s too. The picture on the right is the letter Owen wrote to Santa. He had no assistance in writing his letters. His handwriting skills have improved so much since starting pre-school this past August. He still writes his S’s & N’s backwards but other than that he has got his letters down great. If you can’t read it his letter says….Dear Santa, I have been good! Could u bring me a new computer game please? Love, Owen Burgess. He is obsessed with computer games and insists that is all he wants from Santa this year! So precious!

Santa 2011 006

He was so proud of the letter he wrote.

Santa 2011 011

And of course, everything Owen does, Autumn has to do too!

Okay, so I wanted to do a little comparison….Here is their picture with Santa last year,

Santa 1

Owen, Autumn & Santa 2010


Owen, Autumn & Santa 2011

Poor Autumn was so scared. Doesn’t she just look absolutely terrified? We made it really quick so we didn’t traumatize her too much. When Santa handed her her Candy Cane at the end she was still shaking and very unsure if she should take it from him. Once she was happily in her stroller eating her candy she turned back with a big smile and waved bye bye to Santa.

When we got home after running a few more errands, Autumn went down for another nap so Owen wanted to “play” nap with Daddy on the couch. He got out some blankets and his mickey babies and him and Daddy cuddled up for a nap. He cracks me up, what kid wants to “play” nap? Lol

Santa 2011 018

Santa 2011 019

I love these boys. Owen even made sure Daddy had his very own Mickey Baby to snuggle with. Haha.

Have a great weekend!

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