Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A fun morning…

I really can’t express how thankful and blessed I am to have such amazing friends, not only for me but for my kids also. Today one of my very good friends, Jessica, and her two little ones came over to spend the morning with us. We have been trying to get together for weeks now but with all the sickness, traveling, holidays and snowstorms it has been getting pushed back week by week. Needless to say, this morning was looonnnngggg overdue but well worth the wait. We all had a blast this morning. Jess and I had so much to catch up on and the kids had lots of playing to catch up on. As always it can be a very unknown situation when you get 2 strong willed 3 year olds and 2 curious busy one year olds together; it can be a very good thing or a very hectic morning with lots of meltdowns. I am very very glad to say this morning was a good thing by far. All the kids played so well together and there were zero fights, tantrums or injuries to report. Here are a few pictures from our awesome morning….

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It’s always a good idea to have at least 1 organized activity for the kids. Today Jess brought over stuff for the kids to make some ornaments out of. We had them string beads onto pipe cleaners and then mold them into the shapes of their choice. The kids had so much fun making them and they needed no help to make them, except the 2 babies of course. Making Ornaments 001Making Ornaments 007

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Abby and her sweet adorable little brother Isaac.

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The babies lost focus faster then the older ones. Go figure!

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After playing upstairs in Owen’s room so nicely together, Abby & Owen decided it was time for lunch. They requested a Peanut Butter & Nutella Sandwich with a clementine. They scarfed it down in no time flat. Guess they really worked up an appetite after all that playing.

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And after lunch they were all recharged and ready for some monkeying around. They would stand on the ottoman and fall backward onto the couch. They were so fun and exhausting to watch. If only I had that energy!

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What a fun filled morning. The kids were so bummed when the play day was over. Abby & Owen both asked if we could do it again soon. So sweet. Love these kids. ‘

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Here is the heart shaped ornament that Autumn made (with mommy’s help).

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And Owen made a Rectangle and a Sphere.  These are the kind of ornaments that make the Christmas tree so special and full of fun memories.

Thanks again for coming and bring all the fun ornament supplies Beistline Family. Can’t wait to do it again soon!

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