Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Family Walk, Mimi’s Here, Chick-Fil-A, Puzzle and Crossed Eyes…

Figured I haven’t blogged in a few days so I wanted to stop by, say hello, and put up a few pictures from the past couple days.

Since it is staying light later with the time change, we have been talking a lot of family walks after dinner. Burns calories, keeps the kids occupied and quiet and we get quality family time in so why not?


Off on a family walk!



Yesterday Mimi, Brandon’s Mom, got here! Yay! We are so very excited to have her here for the week. Of course she didn’t come empty handed. She brought early Easter Bags for both the kids and boy were they excited!


They both got some really awesome stuff. Thanks so much Mimi!


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Brandon and I have been diligently working on a really hard puzzle. We love doing puzzles together after the kids go to bed. May be a little nerdy, but we honestly really enjoy the time spent putting it together, together! Anyway, Brandon bought us this puzzle that has a picture on the box but the catch is that the picture is not the puzzle we are trying to put together. Yeah, crazy and extremely difficult.


So the man in the yellow shirt is the part we are trying to figure out. The puzzle is of the front of his face and everything behind him. It was a huge challenge, but we finally completed it last night.


Here is the final masterpiece!


This morning we (Mimi, the kids and I) took a little trip to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and to let Mr. Owen play in the play area. It was delicious and lots of fun.



And to leave you with a laugh. Owen has learned how to cross his eyes and it seriously cracks me up! He started it when I was grocery shopping the other day all on his own. I was laughing so hard while trying to shop because he kept doing it, I am pretty sure everyone in the store was starring at me thinking I was loosing it. I couldn’t get the best picture of him doing it, but you’ll get the point!



Lol! Have a great day!

1 comment:

Chrissica said...

He's such a handsome goof! Loved hearing him sing 'Take me out the ball game' today! Love u guys!