Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Autumn’s 1st Stitches & Daddy’s Flag Football Game…

Well, to say our family weekend did not go as planned is an understatement. Since Brandon has only had 1 day off a week for the past couple weeks, we were REALLY looking forward to some family time. Brandon planned this wonderful trip to the mountains for us on Monday after naps. We were going to walk around this cute mountain town, have a picnic dinner in the mountains to take in the beauty of fall, and look out on the city at dusk. We were so excited!

Autumn’s 1st Stitches:

So Monday around noon the kids were in the family room watching a cartoon while Brandon and I were preparing their lunch. As I was slapping some Peanut Butter on a slice of bread I hear a bloodcurdling scream from Autumn in the other room. We both drop what we were doing, ran into the family room to find Autumn on the floor with blood gushing from her lip. She was getting off the couch and fell forward into the corner of our coffee table. We got her to the kitchen sink and finally cleared the blood to see the actual cut. It wasn’t huge, but it was pretty deep. I immediately called the pediatrician to see if I could bring her to their office or if we needed to take her to the ER. Since we got the blood stopped, he recommended bringing her to the office at 2:30pm. So we decided to let her nap and we proceeded to pack up our stuff so we could still head to the mountains after she got all stitched up. We get to the docs office and after an assessment of the wound he recommended we take her to the ER because of the location of the laceration. Since the wound was half on the lip and half on her skin under her lip he said she would need to be sedated in order to insure they stitch the lip line together without it being lopsided. Makes sense since she will live with the scar the rest of her life. We made our way to the ER where there was about a 3-4 hour wait. At that point we were certain our mountain trip was no longer going to happen :( 

Once we finally got back to a room in the ER about 2 hours later she got an assessment from the ER doctor. He confirmed that she would in fact need to be sedated for the stitches. If it was any place other than her lip, they could have done a local anesthetic, stitched it up and we would’ve be on our way. Not the case though. She had to get an IV started because they needed to give her the sedation medication through an IV. After the first IV didn’t work, they had to start a second one at which point she was SO SO SO upset and blue in the face from screaming and crying. It was terrible to watch. FINALLY they got an IV going and she was mainly over the hardest part. The medication was terrible in my opinion because she was only half out. She still had her eyes open and was still able to cry out for Brandon and I, she just couldn’t really move too much. It was no fun watching my child go through this. I can not imagine how parents handle their kids going through much much worse illnesses than a little sedation and a tiny little stitch. After ALL that, she only ended up needed 1 stitch and they were able to glue the rest, but that 1 stitch was so important in making sure her lip line was even, and it was. The doctor was great and did a wonderful job. We waited about another 1.5 hours to wait for her to fully come to and we got released at 8pm. It was a LLOOONNNNGGGG exhausting day, but the most important thing is that what seemed like a huge deal at the time was in all reality pretty small. After waking her every 2-3 hours through the night to make sure she didn’t react weird to the sedation meds, she woke up the next morning feeling and looking great. It’s a bit ironic how Owen getting 4 stitches in his chin 2 months ago took 20 minutes and was not bad to watch and Autumn only needed 1 stitch and it took 6 hours, an ER visit, 2 IV’s and sedation. No fun! Hopefully we can make it through the rest of the year with no more stitches in the Burgess household.


Here is the best picture I could get of the cut before it was all stitched up.


Autumn & Puppy Violet watching Team Umizoomi while waiting for the nurse to come put in her IV. Thanks to Brandon’s awesome Dad, Owen only had to stick around the ER with us for 2 hours until Papa Bruce came to get him. I am so thankful we were able to give Autumn our full 100% attention. Owen had a fun afternoon just him and Papa Bruce. They watched some football, went to the park and ate dinner at Chick Fil A. They even went to DQ to buy Autumn an ice cream sundae for when she returned home after her day in the ER. So sweet.


More waiting.


Poor Baby :( The IV was so rough.


She had a tough day. Poor girl was hooked up to lots of monitors to make sure she was breathing okay and her blood pressure was normal after the sedation medication. She was very brave through it all. I pray we never have to go through this again.

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The next day, she was as good as new! Although she does try to pull the stitches out every now and again.

Thank goodness that is all over with and behind us….at least until Saturday when I need to take her in to get the stitches removed. Again a HUGE THANKS AGAIN BRUCE for watching after Owen for us. You were such a big help!


Brandon’s Flag Football Game:

Since Monday didn’t go as planned we were determined to have a better day on Tuesday. Started out promising. Took Owen to school, ran some errands, played, ate lunch, napped, everything was all good.

So Brandon joined a flag football league with some of his best buds. Last week was their first game but I was unable to go since the game didn’t start until 8pm. Their games are on Tuesdays nights and last an hour and start at either 7, 8, or 9pm. This weeks game was at 7pm so I decided it would be fun to take the kids and cheer their Dad on. It was pretty cold yesterday and had been sprinkling on and off all afternoon. Didn’t think much of it so we proceeded with our original plans. We headed to the game a little early so Brandon could do some stretching prior to his game. He is 30 after all, don’t want him to end up pulling something. Hahaha. Any who, the game is at Lowry sports complex which is a good 50 minute drive from our house. We pulled up, got everything unloaded from the van, set up the kids lawn chairs and blankets since it was chilly and were all ready to watch Daddy play. Well, about 5 minutes before the game started, it began to pour. They didn’t cancel the game since there was no lightning or thunder, but the kids and I were obviously not prepared or willing to sit out and watch an hour long game while getting soaked. Needless to say, the night did not go as planned. Sounds familiar right. We tried to make the best of the situation, but ended up sitting in the van watching Alvin and the Chipmunks Balloon Adventure instead of cheering Daddy on at his football game.

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Pre-Game Stretching with Daddy. Precious!

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Doesn't Owen look like a little Soccer Player? Haha. Thanks again Auntie Kiki for the awesome Italia sweater from Italy.

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There are times my hubby leaves me speechless. Hahaha. This is one of the times!

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Running in the rain to the van.

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Watching a movie instead of a football game :(

(a quick side note for all you people who think I’m a crappy Mom that is not concerned with safety. Owen & Autumn still both ride in 5 point harness car seats. They were in the third row while watching the movie and Autumn is sitting in a spare high back booster seat that we have. Safety 1st my friends, Safety 1st!)

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This was as much of the game as we could see from the van. And that blue and yellow game is not even the game Brandon was playing in :(

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Once the rain slowed down to a drizzle instead of poring, we got our umbrella and went to watch the last 4 minutes of the game we drove an hour to see. Lol…

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Brandon is the one in the orange shirt on the far right #57. I have to say he has some really good football skills :)

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The kids honestly did enjoy dancing in the rain. O’ to be a kid again!

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And although the night didn’t go anywhere near the way I intended it to go, it was hard to be too bummed out when you see these two smiles. They are so much FUN!!!!!


That about sums up our unplanned weekend. Here’s to a better end to the week :)

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