Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I know I always mention it here and there in my blogs, but I honestly LOVE watching the bond between Owen and Autumn develop and flourish over the past two years. I think this move up to Colorado has made their relationship grow a thousand times. They are closer than ever since they have only had each other since we haven’t met a lot of friends with kids their age quite yet. They honestly don’t know what to do when the other is not around and they are constantly asking for each other. They have their fair share of fighting and arguing, but for the most part they get along great. I know it won’t always be this way so I am trying to cherish this stage in life with the two of them. I have an older sister so I know how much a sibling relationship changes over the years; some good and some bad. Thankfully now, my sister and I have a very strong and very close relationship, but I can not say that it has always been that way (especially during the mid and high school days).  I would be lost without my sister now though, she is my best friend and I have learned so much from her over the years. I honestly admire the girl in so many ways. I can only hope that in 20+ years Owen and Autumn are still as close as they are today and I hope that Autumn will admire her big bro the way I admire my big sis. Any who, to sum it all up, I absolutely LOVE watching my children’s relationship and friendship.


Cutie Pies cheering on the Broncos on Game Day!

And the new thing in the Burgess household is having sibling “sleepovers” in each others rooms. I was a bit hesitant to let them because I didn’t know how much they would actually sleep; but after a very convincing argument from Owen I decided to give in and let them try it out.


It does take them about 30 minutes longer to actually fall asleep after all the talking and silliness is done, but once they both fall asleep they are out! So precious. I have so many fond memories of having “sleepovers” with my sister growing up. I thought it wouldn’t be a bad thing to let them start so young since they wont be able to do this as long as my sis and I did since there is a gender difference. But for now, I love the excitement they get from it.

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