Saturday, June 4, 2011


Owen is now enrolled in TaeKwon-Do for the months of June & July. Our very good friends and neighbors, Justin and Leanne, take their son to a TaeKwon-Do studio that their friends own and asked if we would be interested in enrolling Owen. We were a little hesitant because neither of us want Owen to think fighting is in any way acceptable. After looking into it a little more we decided to give it a try. They really focus on developing Self-Confidence, Improving Self-Discipline, Sharpening Learning Skills and Strength & Condition. Last week Justin took Owen and Linkin  as a trial to see if Owen liked it and I stayed home with the girls, Autumn and Finnley. He seemed to like it from what I heard so we agreed to enroll him for two months until school starts. Justin & Leanne gave him his first month as his bday present, so so sweet of them. Today Autumn and I got to go along to watch him. What a fun experience it was since I don’t really know much about TaeKwon-Do and I wasn’t sure what to expect from a bunch of 3 & 4 year olds. Owen seemed to really enjoy it and let me tell you he was dripping sweat by the end. They work those kids pretty hard. Well, Autumn was not in the best of moods today so I wasn’t able to get the best pictures but here are a few of what she allowed me to take.

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Warming Up.

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Getting his gear on.

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Here is Linkin boxing one of the instructors and Owen beating up the punching bag. Owen was a little taken back when the teacher instructed him to punch him in the face. Up until this point he has always gotten in trouble for hitting. Lol. He was so stinkin adorable.

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Autumn watching her big bro box another little boy in his class. They paired the kids up and they were instructed to fight each other. Owen and Linkin were originally paired up but they both refused to fight each other so they had to change partners. So strange since they love to wrestle at home.

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Best Buds. I love that these two get along so well and spend lots of time together. What a great friend for Owen to grow up with. It’s even better that his mom is a very dear friend of mine.

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Lining up at the end to get their dragon stamp on their feet.

Again, Sorry the pictures are not the best. They are all a little blurry since I had to sit so far off to the side and I had a little diva taking up the majority of my time demanding I give her my full attention.

Speaking of that demanding little girl who has recently developed a huge attitude….

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She is becoming quite the personality! She wants to walk so very bad but just can’t keep her balance. Perhaps its because she is so so so tiny and has such tiny little feet to stand on? Here she is trying to figure out how to break through this barrier. She watches her brother do it all the time so I am sure its only a matter of time.

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