Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Poor Owen…

The morning after Owen’s Big Birthday Bash I went in his room to get him up and he couldn’t open his left eye. It was closed tight caked with all this goopy stuff and all around his eye was super swollen. I called the doctor immediately upon seeing his eye and you guessed it, PINK EYE! Yucky. Poor kid cried so hard when I was trying to wipe away all the goop from his eye. We ran out a couple hours later to the pharmacy to pick up his eye drops the doctor prescribed and that was another battle trying to get those drops in. After a few bribes of skittles they were in no problem. After a couple days worth of eye drops he is looking and feeling much much better. I still have no clue where he got it from but luckily no one else in the house has caught it from him. Here is what he looked like Monday Afternoon….

June 7, 2011 006

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June 7, 2011 001

Even with a blood shot eye and a swollen face he was still in good spirits. I love this kid so much!

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