Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pictures I Must Share…

I don’t really have much to say since my last blog was yesterday, its been a while I know, but I have some stinkin’ A-Dorable pictures from yesterday and today that I feel I must share with you. Yesterday it was my Saturday to have my niece and boy did we have a great time. I somehow managed to make it out of the house with all 3 kids for a nice long walk, it was a bit challenging but well worth it!  Here are a few good pictures from our day.


Since I am raving about my adorable pics I decided to start with the very best one. O My Goodness how cute is this. Owen and Autumn LOVE having their baby cousin around, can you tell?


Autumn always has to be right next to Miss Abi. I really hope they grow up to be best of friends! (Just a side note: the picture on the left is not of Autumn pulling Abi’s hair, she was gently rubbing her head. I am sure the hair pulling wont start for a few more years, lol.)



Owen is always such a good little helper with the girls. He loves to bring the girls their paci’s.


And this poor lil girl is teething for sure! Poor baby.


This morning after church we pulled in the garage and Owen noticed his friends Finnley and Linkin were out playing in the front yard while their Mommy and Daddy were doing some yard work. The second I unbuckled his seat belt he darted down the driveway to go say hello. Owen and Finnley were having so much fun but I insisted to Owen we needed to go inside before my allergies got worse from being outside in the wind, if that is even possible since I am pretty sure they are as bad as they can possibly get. Finnley started following us and telling her Mommy bye bye she was going to Owens house. Since I had nothing planned for the day, I assured her Mommy that I would take Finn home with me so that her and Owen could play together. Boy did they play, they had a blast together. What a blessing it is to have such good neighbors and friends that have kids that my kids adore.


They genuinely LOVE each others company! Is this not the cutest picture ever?!?!


And here they are doing some “work” as they called it. They crack me up. I am sure their will be more pics of these two coming later this week. Owen loves having his Finn over to play so I told her Mommy that I would watch her later this week when she is working. Stay tuned.


I know I said I didn’t have much to say and some how I keep going on and on. You all know me better than that, I always have something to say! Have a happy Sunday evening.

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