Saturday, April 9, 2011

Long time no blog…

It is just not like me anymore to go an entire week without blogging, but the sickness hit our house pretty bad the past couple weeks. Autumn had an ear infection, Owen had an ear & sinus infection and I had/has some really severe allergies problems this spring. Well, thanks to lots of antibiotics and a daily dose of zyrtec I think we are all finally better! Its hard enough having one sick kid, but add a second and a mommy who doesn’t feel 100% and it makes for some long rough days. Thanks to my wonderful husband who lets me have a good meltdown/cry at the end of each day I have managed to make it through! Anyway, besides sickness what is going on in our house these days? Well, 2 big things happened this week…

#1: Autumn is officially CRAWLING!

Yikes I know. They say every kid crawls different, but Autumn’s crawl is so hilarious. She doesn’t do your typical crawl up on all fours. Hers is a mix between the army crawl and an inch worm. It is so adorable to watch. She can make it successfully all over the house now. I thought life was crazy already and now its about to get even more crazy with another kid moving around the house. I promise to video tape it soon, but here are a few pics to hold you over.

  Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 007Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 008

Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 009Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 011

Here she is crawling to get my camera lens cover.

#2: Owen is officially enrolled in PRESCHOOL!

Yikes again! After looking into preschool after preschool and touring four we finally found one. I am having a hard time accepting the fact that we are already at this point in parenthood, but I really think Owen is more than ready and I think he will really enjoy it. He is just going 2 mornings a week from 9:00-Noon. We left the preschool with a great feeling, we just “knew” it was the perfect fit for him. The teachers and the director were amazing and the preschool was so organized, clean and they had a great program set up for the kids. I am so excited for him! And yes, I will be the crazy mom pulling out of the parking lot sobbing come August 18th, his 1st day of school!

Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 001Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 006

Where on Earth does the time go? I was tearing up as I was filling out his enrollment paperwork. I am blessed beyond my wildest imagination.


Since the week was kind of crazy we decided at the last possible second last night that we wanted to have a few friends over for pizza and to just relax and have some fun with. Owen and Autumn had so much fun with all their little buddies and Brandon and I enjoyed spending some much needed time with a few friends of ours. Here are some pictures of the kiddos. 

Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 013Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 014Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 015

Owen and Olivia really miss each other. My kids nap schedules are pretty crazy so we don’t get out of the house for play dates as much as we used to.

Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 017Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 020

Owen, Olivia & Sara eating some delicious brownie bites.

Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 022Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 023

Owen and Olivia got tired of playing in the playroom so they decided to go upstairs to play in his bedroom. Olivia was great at putting the train tracks together and Owen really enjoyed reading his books.

Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 027Preschool, Autumn Crawling & Friends 012

Autumn and Jace had fun just being stinkin Adorable.

Matt and Kaitlyn put Olivia to bed at our house and us adults got to stay up and play some games after the kids were out. It was so much fun and much needed after a long and busy week. We are truly blessed to have such amazing friends to kick back and relax with!

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