Thursday, April 14, 2011

Autumn’s Dedication to the Lord

This past Sunday was a very special day for us. Brandon and I stood before our family, friends and most importantly God and dedicated Autumn’s Life into his care, just as Hannah dedicated her child to the Lord in 1 Samuel 1: 27-28. Autumn is God’s child first who he has in trusted into our care here on Earth. Wow, if you truly think about that that is a lot to swallow. On April 10, 2011 we made a promise to God that we will do everything in our power to raise her in a Christ centered loving home and point her into God grace. We also stood and prayed for the day when Autumn will open up her heart and ask Jesus to become the leader and forgiver of her life just as Brandon and I have done. What an amazing day that will be! A big thanks to all our friends and family members who are constantly helping Brandon and I to raise our kids in a God loving environment. We didn’t get to take to many pictures at her actual dedication ceremony since we were kind of tied up, but we went to Dion’s for dinner before and took a few there. Enjoy. 

Our church did the baby dedications a little different this time around. In the past they dedicated the babies before the start of each service. Well, this time it was a separate ceremony for the families dedicating their babies. It was set up banquet style and you were reserved a spot to invite 6 friends or family members to join you. We invited my Parents, my Sister and our great friends Matt and Kaitlyn and Christy (our pastors wife). Before the dedication ceremony we met up with my family (my sister, niece and parents) and had dinner at a local pizza/sub place called Dion’s. Our great friends Matt and Kaitlyn were supposed to join us too, but poor Kaitlyn got a 24 hour stomach bug and was stuck in bed Sad smile. Here is our time at dinner.

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I love my family!

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The star of the show and her Daddy!

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Mommy and Daughter

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Owen & Pampo, Nana & Abi

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Brandon and my Sister!

And here is our time at the actual ceremony…

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After the dedication we went home and let Autumn open up a special present that Nana and Pampo got her to remember the special day she was dedicated to the Lord.

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The blue box are gold cross earrings with a diamond stud in the middle from my parents, and my grandma got her the set of 3 in the green box. So fancy! I guess your never too young for your first set of diamonds!

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