Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our Morning...

So I haven't had much to blog about lately, mainly because it has been so stinking hot here that we really haven't been able to do much exciting but stay inside and try and keep cool. Well yesterday we got a nice little storm that moved in and gave us some much needed rain and it is really bringing those 100 degree temps down to the low 90's/high 80's, Hallelujah! Anyway this morning could not have been more perfect weather. So since I have laundry piled to my ceiling and really need to get it done I didn't feel like leaving the house was a good option, so Owen and I decided to spend the morning in the backyard to soak up the awesome weather. Here are some pictures of Owen having some backyard fun this morning...
See how happy Owen was to be playing outdoors!

Here is a typical Owen face. He is such a wild little guy. Here he is having a drink and eating some fresh cut pineapple.

Of course, he found the last remainder of rain from last night! What can I say, the kid LOVES water.
Did I mention Owen loves water. Once he realized there was like an inch of water left at the bottom of his pool he tried to jump in with his clothes on. I tried telling him we were not going swimming this morning but this is what happened. Brandon has been working really hard with him on his manners now that he is talking in sentences. So instead of just saying please all the time for everything Brandon has been teaching him to say, May I please have..., you get the picture. Anyway, after telling him we were not getting in the pool today, he turned to me and tilted his head to the side and said, "Mommy may I please get in the water?" Seriously how could I say no after that?
Yep, I am a sucker. I decided to let him in and play but decided swim trunks weren't really necessary since it was just him. I know he looks kind of silly. O well he had a blast.
He spent the first few minutes cleaning out all the leaves that were in the water. He is so funny and really hates things on his finger. I get this face a lot when he has just about anything on his fingers. He also says, "Mommy get it off please!"
Daddy has also started teaching Owen how to show off his big muscles! LOL too funny!
Here he is singing into the water hose.
Owen does have one other love besides the water, Numbers and Letters. He spent about half of his overall time in the pool pointing out all the letters on the tiny writing on his pool. As you can tell he was very proud of himself.
And here he is trying to find just the right ball to play with.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as we enjoyed the awesome weather this morining!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful, wonderful pictures! Glad you and Owen could enjoy a "little" cooler weather outside.
He is such a cutie!!!
Love you all,

Anonymous said...

get his swim diaper off let me see his c--k