Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Play Day

Yesterday for our weekly play day with our friends we decided to do some good ole backyard fun. We set up our two blow up pools, a giant beach ball that sprays water, the sandbox and the slide and let the kids run around and have fun. Everyone also brought sack lunches and the kids got to enjoy a nice outdoor picnic. The kids had an absolute BLAST! They all kept going back and forth from one pool to the other having the time of their lives. I think we even had a successful day with no sharing issues or any major meltdowns. What an awesome time! Enjoy the pictures. Abby and Owen having fun in his new frog pool he got for his Birthday. If your wondering why Owen is looking up instead of at the camera, it was because he spotted a plane flying by. The kid is obsessed with airplanes. Now it was Cami's turn to have some fun with Abby in the frog pool. Here is the only picture of the whole gang in the Big Pool all together. They really had a blast!Beautiful Olivia swirling her little leg around in the water. Owen and Miles. Owen was pretty good about getting into the pool by himself, but not so much trying to get out. Here is Abby trying to help Cami into the pool. So precious. Enjoying some nice picnic time.
Olivia, Abby and Owen playing in the Sandbox. Yes they were little muddy messes after this.
Owen got this awesome Giant Sprinkler Beach Ball for his Birthday. Abby loved this thing and had so much fun trying to roll it around and spray all us adults. We were big babies and were running away from her. I absolutely love Olivia's expression in this picture. Priceless!This was so cute! Owen was blowing bubbles in the water and Abby thought he was so funny. Every time he came back up they would crack up and then Abby would push his head back in the water so he would blow more bubbles. They played so well together yesterday. BFF's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, your pictures make me smile with joy. I am so happy that you, Brandon, and Owen have such great friends. Social skills are life long lessons! Can't wait to see you all.

Mimi/Mama B.