Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Miscellaneous Pictures…

So this post really has no title and kind of no point, but I have some pictures from the past couple days that I thought I’d share. Okay here we go…


The week started off with the kids and I watching the Broncos play their first Playoff game against the Pittsburg Steelers. As you can see from my face, it was a very intense game, luckily the Broncos pulled out the win in overtime. Yes, that would be their 4th win in overtime this season. Yay!!!!! Go Tebow!!!!!


Yesterday we met up with some friends at the mall play area. The kid had a great time playing with their friends. Autumn just followed the older kiddos around and did whatever they did. She is so determined to act like a 3 year old even though she is still only 1. She is such a little fireball!

Yesterday was one of those very very very challenging days of parenting. Why? Well because my kids were acting TERRIBLE and fighting over EVERYTHING. I was quickly losing my patience as well as my mind! All you fellow parents out there know exactly what I am talking about. Anyway, Owen and Autumn have been fighting non stop lately and it is driving Brandon and I nuts. Not sure what it is but they have hundred of toys in their play room and always seem to fight over the same stinkin things. Always. So we have enforced a new rule to hopefully puts an end to all this silly fighting nonsense….


This is the new Toy Jail.

Every time the kids fight over a toy (no matter who starts it) the toy gets taken away and put into the Toy Jail. The toy remains there for the rest of the day and will be given back the next morning. Also after the toy gets put into Jail each kid must go to the “calm down corner” for 1 minute. I have had it and something needed to be done! They have so many toys I don’t think some being off limits for 1 day is really a big deal. Anyway, I am trying to get them to stop fighting and learn to love having each other to play with. Sometimes I feel like a failure parents because of my kids attitudes and behavior issues, but I know deep down they are just at challenging ages. We are trying. We are trying. And we are praying a lot for God’s guidance in this disciplining stuff.



Yesterday afternoon we got a visit from Cousin Abigail and Auntie Kiki. Autumn was down for a nap when they came so Owen and Abi had fun just the two of them. Here they are enjoying a snack together. Owen has a weird face in this pic, I think it was because he was in the middle of chewing. O well, they are still adorable!


Auntie Kiki had invited us over for dinner later that evening, so after Brandon got home from work we headed over to their house. We didn’t get there until 6:45pm so Abigail was already in bed, but my kids still had a blast playing with all her toys. Here is Auntie Kiki showing Owen how to play the guitar. Haha


Auntie kiki has a huge square ottoman in her living room where she stores all of Abi’s toys, the kids thought it was so funny to lay in the ottoman on top of the toys and have us close the lid on them. We did this over and over and over.


And this morning was school day for Owen so Autumn and I went to run some errands together after we dropped him off….


I think Autumn got Mommy’s shopping genes. Look how happy she is! Lol


We like to do “girly” things when its just the two of us, so after shopping we played Baby Dolls. Here she is rocking her baby in the time out chair. No she was not in time out, that was just the chair she chose.


She also enjoys playing with all of brothers “special” toys while he is at school because she knows she can get away with it. She is quite the opportunist! 

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