Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Past Couple Weeks...

I first want to apologize for the extreme delay in blogging. The past couple weeks in the Burgess household have been pretty exhausting. Last week all of us came down with a nasty cold. It started with me, then Autumn, then Brandon and I think Owen has the tail end of it now. We have used boxes upon boxes of Kleenex, endless amounts of cough drops and lots of Advil cold and sinus. I have also had some struggles with Nursing. After a lengthy conversation with a lactation consultant we decided it was time to switch to bottle feeding. It was really hard to accept since I didn't get to nurse Owen either and was bound and determined to make it work this time. The pediatrician and the lactation consultant were both concerned with Autumn's weight gain, or lack there of, and were also concerned with my milk production and both agreed they would like to monitor the amount of milk she was consuming in a day. Luckily I had a large milk supply in the freezer and I have been pumping, as much as possible with 2 kids to care for, that we haven't had to switch to formula just yet, but its only a matter of time now until we do. Autumn is already showing lots of progress from eating more on a daily basis. She is much more alert, awake more during the day, and showing great signs of weight gain. O yea, and she is working on cutting her first 2 teeth. Yes, 2 teeth coming in at 3 months! Crazy, I know. Owen was a very early teether too so I guess we knew it could happen. Orajel here we come.

As for Mr. Owen Potty Training is going great & Temper Tantrums are still the daily norm. We have very minimal accidents and he is loving all the M&M's he is getting on a daily basis. Yes, we need to start cutting down the rewards now that he is going regularly or the dentist isn't going to be very pleased. We have not fully tackled the public Potty Training just yet but I bought a bag of Pull Ups so we can start that real soon. Now we are just getting ready for Halloween this weekend so check back in for some adorable pics of the kiddos all dressed up. Here are a few pictures from the past couple weeks to tie you over until then.
Did I mention how cold it is getting now? Here is Autumn all dressed in her adorable sweat suit.

Owen & Autumn are getting to be little buddies. Autumn loves to watch every thing Owen does and is even starting to smile at him. It melts my heart.

Little Stinker loves to get his picture taken.

See what I mean. They love each least for now.

And here is what I mean by more alert!
And here is the little Angel after her last bottle for the night. So Happy!
Here is a quick Halloween Sneak Peek. Owen and I made spiders out of his and Autumn's pumpkins they got at the pumpkin patch. I stole the idea from a good friend so please don't give the creativity credit to me. Thanks Ann.
Here is Owen and Nana singing "Take me out to the ball game". Owen loves playing with Nana.
Nana brought Great-Great over the other day to visit the kids. Autumn loved her arms. Yes, my grandma gets cold really easily, hints the attire. Lol.
And here is what a typical day looks like for us.
Autumn is starting to love her bouncer. Do you see she is even holding a toy in her hand, what a big girl. She loves chewing on anything she can get a hold of because of her aching gums. Poor Baby!

She is so stinkin adorable it kills me!

How am I ever gonna say no to that face?!?!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Autumn's beautiful blue eyes! And Owen's charming smile:)
My grandbabies are so darn cute!!!

Love you,