Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GG & Papa Nick's Visit

This past weekend Brandon, Owen, Autumn and I were honored to have Brandon's Grandparents down for a visit. They came to meet their very 1st Great-Granddaughter for the fist time, have some play time with Owen and of course take a trip to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta for the first time. We had a blast with them and I am so happy and thankful they took the trip down to come spend some time with us and the kids. It is so important to Brandon and I that our kids know all of their family especially the ones they don't get to see very often. As always the weekend went by way too fast but we will hold onto the memories until next time. Hope to see you soon GG & Papa Nick!
Owen and Autumn with their Great-Grandparents.
I know all of our out of town family that don't get to see Owen very often fear that he will not know them and be shy when they come, but that was definitely not the case this weekend. When they pulled into the driveway Owen ran strait up to the car and gave them a huge hug & kiss. No warming up needed, Owen loved them.
A good way you can tell Owen really likes you is when you get invited into his playroom. As you can tell GG is in!
So cute.
Papa Nick had a great time holding Autumn and she seemed to love being in his arms.
This was hilarious. GG was taking some Tylenol for her headache and Owen was throwing a fit because he wanted to take some medicine too, so to avoid the fit we gave him 2 jellybeans and he pretended that was his Tylenol. Here they are taking their "medicine" together! lol.
Owen seriously LOVED GG, can you tell?
GG & Papa Nick went to the Balloon Fiesta on Saturday morning but unfortunately we could not join them because Brandon had to go to work. We decided to all go to the Balloon Glow that night since we missed it in the morning. Well, unfortunately it was cancelled due to Thunderstorms and bad Wind but they were still planning on launching off some fireworks. So since we drove all the way there we all hung out in the van and watched the fireworks from there. Owen had a great time because he loves fireworks and was really sad when they were over. Above is GG & Brandon patiently waiting for the show to begin.
Owen waiting...
and way back in the 3rd row was Autumn and I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute blogs of the great grandchildren and Gigi and Papa Nick! I also liked the blog of Owen's apple meal:) I can hardly wait to see Autumn's bright blue eyes in person!

Love you,