Monday, October 18, 2010

2010 Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

This past weekend Mimi came down for a visit, Yay! Since it was about time for our annual family trip to the Pumpkin Patch in Moriarty, NM, we decided to plan our trip now so that Mimi could join us. We also invited my Parents and my Aunt who was also in town visiting and some good friends of ours the Poe Family. We had a blast and there is so much fun stuff for the kids to do. Owen got to go on a Hay Ride, see the rabbit farm, feed goats, go on a giant tunnel slide, play in the Corn Box and eat an endless amount of kettle corn. Seriously, how much better could his day have been? Here are some pictures from our wonderful day...
Brandon, Autumn and I on the Hay Ride.

Mimi, Owen, Pampo and Nana on the Hay Ride.

And here is the whole gang, minus Mimi who was taking the picture.
The Hay Ride took us out to a giant pumpkin patch where we all got to walk around and pick out a pumpkin to take home. Here is Owen and Pampo on their mission to get a pumpkin.
Me, Autumn and Mimi picking ours.
Not sure if you can tell but Owen is holding a giant grasshopper in his hand. We found it hopping around the patch so my Dad grabbed it to show Owen. Well, of course, Owen was not satisfied just looking at it he had to hold it too. Eeeewwww, gross! Don't worry I cleaned his hands super good with hand sanitizer after! Yucky, I hate bugs, even the nice ones!
Meet Rabbit Owen.
Owen was so excited to go play in the giant box of corn. This is one of his favorite parts of the trip.
Mimi and Autumn watching Owen play.
Owen saw a few older kids who were burying themselves in corn so he decided to give it a try.
And here is the silly boy all buried! He is too funny.
And this is by far Owen's favorite part of the Pumpkin Patch, the giant tunnel slide! There is a giant mountain of dirt with two tunnel slides built into it and Owen absolutely loves it. They actually go really fast.
And yes, Mommies and Daddies can have fun on them too!
Here are our friends that went with us. Above is Andrew and Abby and below is Laura and Sam.
And while Brandon and I were having fun on the slides with Owen, Autumn was hanging out with the rest of the fam.

And here is Brandon and Owen feeding this adorable baby goat.

2010 Family Picture at the Pumpkin Patch!

So once we got home we were all a little exhausted. The kids took nice long naps, while Brandon, Mimi and I hung out and relaxed on the couch. Since we enjoyed a nice fall morning outdoors picking pumpkins I decided to make a nice fall dinner to go along with our day.
Here is the amazing Roasted Chicken and Butternut Squash soup I made. It tastes just as delicious as it looks. If anyone wants the recipe let me know. Its a little time consuming but well worth it.
And after dinner, we all slipped into our comfy PJ's and watched some TV, cartoons of course, thanks Owen!

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