Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

Thanks everyone for being patient with me. I know I am a few days late getting these up, but hey I have 2 kids what do you expect? Halloween was an absolute blast to say the least! This Halloween was by far the funnest I have ever had. I think having a 2 1/2 year old makes it that much more enjoyable. Owen went as Mickey Mouse and Autumn was a Mermaid. Friday we took Owen & Autumn all dressed up to my Grandma's Assisted Living facility for her annual Halloween Celebration. They have lots of goodies and a Magic show for the kiddos. Owen had a blast & Autumn pretty much just slept. Then on Sunday we had a Halloween party at our house. It was so much fun! We had some delicious Chili/Frito Pies and way way way too much sweets; cookies, lemon bars, peanut butter chocolate bars, pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin seeds, candy corn, and smores. Yes way too much sweets and that list doesn't even include the mounds of candy we had. O well, once a year won't kill you. After we all ate dinner we took the older kids around the block to do some good ole Trick or Treating while the parents of the younger kids stayed at the house and handed out candy. They kids loved Trick or Treating and were very polite and said "Thank You" after they got their candy or as Olivia would say, "There prizes" too funny! There are lots of pictures for all you crazy grandparents and Aunts & Uncles so please enjoy!
Before heading to my Grandma's Party we did some practice runs with Owen on how to Trick or Treat. He caught on really quick once I dropped the first piece of candy in his bag.
Here is my little Mickey Mouse! His face is so funny, he was saying cheese if you can't tell.
I thought Owen may be a little scared of some of the Halloween decorations, but to my surprise he thought they were fascinating. Especially the ones that lit up.
Here is my Beautiful Mermaid with her Beautiful Nana. I used to love Mickey Mouse when I was younger and now I have my very own. Awe.
Here she is after the party. She is so stinkin adorable in her little fall dress.
Hangin out with Great Great after the party.
Here are the kiddos on Halloween morning. Owen started the morning off asking to go Trick or Treating. Needless to say it was a very long day when I had to keep explaining that it would be about 8 hours until we could go. He was very consistant and asked about evey 30 minutes if it was time yet. Patience is the key to parenting. Here are the spider pumpkins with the word EEK! in the middle. The pumpkins at the Pumpkin Patch this year were pretty small so we had to get creative since they weren't the best for carving!
Owen's Best Friend, Olivia, went as Minnie Mouse. I know it is absolutely adorable! They had so much fun together and thought it was so cool to be dressed up as their favorite characters. I know its a long shot, but if these two ever got married one day they would have some awesome memories and a huge photo album. I can dream can't I?
We tried having them hold the spider pumpkins but Owen would cooperate. O well, Livie looks adorable.
All I can really say is, "A-DOR-A-BLE!"
We let them run around and play in the backyard to pass the time until we could go Trick or Treating. They had fun playing all dressed up. Owen's other good friend Abby came over and was dressed as Super Girl. It was so cute and she played the part so well. She made everyone freeze before crossing the street to look both ways. She was so SUPER!
We started up the Fire Pit, or I should say piro Brandon & Matt started up the fire pit, before we went Trick or Treating and the kids all stood by to warm up their hands mesmerised by the flames. I love them.
Here is Owen in the act. He waited all day for this moment!
Here they are all lined up for a picture.Kaitlyn was very patient and waited a long time to get Autumn in her arms that night. Can you tell how happy she is to hold her. Autumn loves her Auntie Kaitlyn and smiles everytime she sees her!
Here is Lindsey holding her precious baby Caleb and her husband Mark holding my precious daughter. They are such a great family. And here is part of the party outside roasting marshmallows and making smores. This concludes Halloween 2010! Can you believe the next big thing is Thanksgivingwhich might I remind you is in 3 weeks! Ahhhhh......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darling photos! I think Autumn is beginning to look like Nana Lujan with those beautiful blue eyes! I sure enjoyed looking at your wonderful pictures! Thanks for keeping us in touch! Love, MIMI