Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Decorating for Chirstmas...

Remember from my Birthday post about how I feel completely unprepared for the Holidays? Well, here is the part of me that is trying to get prepared. I pulled out all the Christmas totes from the garage today and decided to start some Christmas decorating. Owen was a very curious little boy and kept asking question after question about what was going on. His favorite one was, "Hey Mommy, what you doing?" He asked this same question over and over and over. Although, it was very draining I decided this was the perfect opportunity to talk to him about why we celebrate Christmas because I don't want to have ungrateful children who skip over the true meaning of Christmas & just focus on how many presents they get from Santa. Here is how the conversation went....
Mommy: "Owen, do you remember why we Celebrate Christmas?"
Owen: "Yes Mommy, I do."
Mommy: "That is great Owen, can you tell Mommy?"
Owen: "Because of Santa."
Mommy: (Ugh, he is 2 and his mind has already been corrupted by this fallen world thinking Christmas is all about us, Santa and presents. This is exactly what I am trying to avoid) "No Owen, We Celebrate Christmas because it is Jesus' Birthday. Without Jesus you, mommy, daddy and sister wouldn't be here today."
Owen: "O' we get to eat cake and ice cream?"
Mommy: (by this point I feel like I am making no lasting impression of what the true meaning of Christmas really is, especially because I just had a Birthday and I think all he can remember is the cake we got to eat.) "We may get to eat some cake, but we really need to take time to Thank God for everything we have on Christmas, especially for his son Jesus."
Owen: (Looking a bit confused at this point, he looked up at me and said) "O, okay."
I know some of you may think I am crazy for trying to have this conversation with a 2 year old, but you would not believe what their 2 year old little minds really retain. I am going to make it a point to remind him of the true meaning everyday up until Christmas so he never loses sight of what this Holiday is truly all about, Jesus. It is hard, I think sometimes we as adults tend to forget the true meaning with all the busyness the holidays bring. In all reality we shouldn't need presents or decorations or food to remind us of Jesus and the tremendous sacrifice He made so we can have eternal life. Not sure how my first conversation stuck with my little Owen but I promise to never give up. Here are some pictures of Owen helping Daddy put up the Christmas tree. As I was pulling the stockings out of the Christmas decorations tote and of course Owen was right by my side looking a little curious. He looked up at me and said, "Mommy, why you putting big socks on the wall?" I about died laughing. They are so hilarious at this age. I didn't want to tell him because Santa was going to bring him some presents & put in them because for the next 38 days he would be asking where the presents are. Toddlers have absolutely no concept of time. Bless their little impatient hearts.

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