Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treating with Pampo & Nana

Unfortunately, Brandon and I had to go out of town for a funeral this past weekend up in Colorado, and yes, it was Halloween. Luckily Owen still doesn't get the concept of Halloween yet so he wasn't too disappointed. Brandon's good friend growing up and old college roommate lost his parents a couple weeks ago in a small plane crash. Brandon was very close to them and has always considered them his 2nd parents. It was so sad to see such wonderful, caring, healthy people go, but we just have to rely on the fact that God has a perfect plan for all of us even though we may not understand it. Well it was a long weekend for Brandon and I, sad and exhausting, but it was so nice to be there and help his friend through this very difficult chapter of his life. This was also the first time we have ever left Owen for longer than 23 hours. It was rough on us but we knew he was in good hands. My parents came and stayed with Owen for the 3 days we were gone. Owen had a blast and I am convinced he didn't even know we were gone. Here is a slide show of pic's from Owen's first time Trick or Treating. He was so shocked that people were filling up his little Halloween bag with tons of candy! We have discovered that he loves Nerds. How Funny!

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