Monday, November 23, 2009

Stay away from the Burgess Family!

As if the holidays aren't stressful enough, the Burgess' had to get sick right in the middle of it! So here is the run down of the last couple days. I went to urgent care yesterday due to body aches, chills, fever and a very soar throat. They diagnosed me with the flu, not H1N1, just the regular old flu and sent me home with Tamiflu and some cough medicine. Then, this morning Owen had his 18 month Dr. Appointment and had to get 3 shots today. O' yea and did I mention he was diagnosed with a double ear infection! Yikes. He just had one 3 weeks ago. Due to his excessive amount of ear infections, the doctor has referred us to an ENT to talk about getting tubes put in his ears. Poor Baby! Well, as for Brandon he hasn't gotten sick yet but it's probably just a matter of time before he does. So beware the Burgess household is a giant cesspool of germs right now! Please pray for health in our family! Sorry for venting, but I am sick of being sick and locked up in my house for days!

This is Owen and I after his shots this morning. He let me cuddle with him for 45 min. on the couch. Such a sweet moment since they don't happen too often anymore. Here is Owen sitting with his sick mommy on the couch watching some cartoons. Such a sweet boy taking care of his mommy!

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