Sunday, December 16, 2012

Children’s Ministry Christmas Performance…

I don’t feel I have really talked much about how much we absolutely LOVE the church we have found here in Colorado. It was really hard for us leaving our old church (Sagebrush Community Church) in New Mexico behind because we loved that place. That was where Brandon and I both recommitted our lives to Christ, that was where we were both rebaptized, that’s the place we dedicated both of our Children in and we made some amazing friends there. Needless to say we were very worried about finding a new Church upon moving. Well, as always, God is Faithful and always answers our prayers. After visiting about 5 churches we attended Red Rocks Church that had been recommended to us by a couple different people. After attending 1 service on a weekend with a guest pastor, we immediately knew that was going to be our new Church home. So here we are 4 months later and we are falling more in love with Red Rocks Church every weekend we attend. Unfortunately Brandon’s work schedule only allows him to attend about once every 3 weeks, but he continues to stay up to date via online sermons. My absolutely wonderful Mother-In-Law goes with me each week so neither of us have to go to church alone. I recently started volunteering in the Children's Ministry teaching Sunday School at the 11 O'clock service which I absolutely LOVE. We attend the 9am service, then my Mother-In-Law and I do a car key switch, she takes the kids home with her and I stay and volunteer. It works out wonderfully, I am SO SO SO grateful for her allowing me to stay and volunteer without me having to make the kids stay at church for 3 hours strait. Any who with all that said, our wonderful Church put on this adorable Children's Christmas Performance this morning.

Immediately following the opening worship song and announcements they brought in all the kids ages 2 thru 3rd Grade and they all preformed some cute Christmas Songs with hand movements and all. It was SO adorable and both of my kiddos did an exceptional job. I was really nervous they might freak out when they saw how big the audience was upon getting up on stage, but much to my surprise they didn’t even seem nervous at all. Even though we got their early and snagged front row seats it was still really hard to get some good pictures since there were so many kids, but here is what I have. 

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Here we are all ready for the big Church Performance. (P.S. it’s nearly impossible to get a picture where we all look happy. Here is our best attempt.)

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Here they are walking in. They were both so excited when they spotted me & Mimi sitting in the front row watching them. I think Owen blew us 1,000 kisses from up on stage :)

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Can you find them? Lol, We sat on the opposite side so it was really hard to get good pics, but I had no clue where they were going to be standing.

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Owen was a challenge to get since he was a few rows back and was right behind another kid that was the same height.

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Autumn was much easier to get pics of since she was in the front row. She impressed me so much because she typically freaks out in these types of situations. She was adorable and knew every word to the songs. Guess that is a perk of having a Mom who teaches the same Sunday School Curriculum every weekend. It was pretty cute because half the time she stood with her back to the audience so she could watch her brother. So precious!


All I can say is that I am 1 PROUD Mama!!!!!!! Way to go Owen & Autumn you were fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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