Saturday, September 12, 2009

Play Day @ Abby's House

Yesterday we had our weekly play day over at Abby's house for a change. Owen had lots of fun in a new environment and with a whole new assortment of toys to play with. O' yea and did I mention Abby has a slide and a sand box? We almost bought Owen a sand box for his 1st Birthday and I am very glad we didn't. Owen spent the whole time shoveling hand full of sand into his mouth. It was so nasty but he apparently loved it because after every hand full he would look at me with a smile and say "Yum, ma-ma". Yuck! Here are a few pics from our day.

Isn't her curly blond hair so adorable? Love you Abby.

Owen thought the top of the sand box was a great seat. Such a silly boy.

Here they go again, fighting over how the lid should go. These two just can't agree! They are going to be "fine" two year olds.

Here is Abby and Owen taking a little break from playing to have a nice drink in her adorable little chairs.


Kaitlyn Altman said...

I'm coming to play date in October!!! yay!!!

Anonymous said...

Owen and Abby are adorable together! They look so comfortable in the darling chairs drinking from their sippy cups!

Kaitlyn Altman said...

send us a pic of owen and we'll make you a header for your blogsite =)