Friday, September 4, 2009

Chocolate Puddin' Finger Paintin'....

This week at our weekly Play Day, us Mommies decided to be very brave and let the kiddo's Finger Paint with Chocolate pudding in the backyard. It turned out being My Owen, Abby and another Owen, and all three of them are within 6 weeks of each other age wise. So, needless to say, they had a blast today, and wore the heck out of each other! It cracks me up how different they all are. For example; Abby loved the finger painting, while my Owen was much more into eating the pudding and the other Owen was so terrified of getting his hands messy. So funny! So after the finger painting mess we decided to hose them off which turned into another whole fiasco! They had so much fun playing with the hose. Again so much differently; Abby just wanted to fill the bowls and buckets with the water, while my Owen just wanted to splash around in it and drink it, and the other Owen just wanted to be in charge of the hose without getting wet! After that fun, the other Owen had to go home for a much needed nap while Owen and Abby went indoors to finish their day of fun. Abby was very into hugging and wrestling with Owen. It was pretty hilarious. I swear they are such a handful when they get together, but we love it!!!! Please enjoy the slide show of pictures from our fun filled day.

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