Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Owen's Sleepover!!!!

My parents gave Brandon and I the best Anniversary gift ever! A night alone with just the two of us. Owen went to stay the night at his Nana & Pampo's house this past Monday night. I am pretty sure he didn't care since he was shoving Brandon and I out the door of my parents house when we dropped him off. He had such a blast! I on the other hand was going a little crazy missing him, but all in all it was very nice to have some alone time with my wonderful husband of 3 Years now! Wow time flies. Brandon was making fun of me because I kept sneaking in Owen's room to smell his blanky that he left at home, I know I am crazy but all you mommies understand! Right? Anyway, here are a few pics...

Here is Owen getting ready to leave the house for his sleepover. Okay, I know this is a huge suitcase for one night but I swear it was only half full. It is the smallest suitcase we have!

Owen was really into this suitcase!

Here he is when we dropped him off at Nana & Pampo's. He is obsessed with putting every one's shoes on. He thinks it is hilarious!!!!

A family reunited after 23.5 hours! Wow, who knew you could miss someone that much in that short of a time period. Parenting really makes you a little crazy!!!!

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