Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Autumn’s 3rd ‘SWEET’ Birthday Party

Surprise, surprise, I did not accomplish all the blogging before our week trip to New Mexico that I had hoped to. But we are back now, so please allow me to back track a bit to July 21st as I FINALLY blog about Autumn’s Birthday Party….

Anyone who knows Autumn knows the child LOVE LOVE LOVES candy. Honestly, she doesn’t get it all the time, but if she needs motivation for anything, candy will always do the trick….always. I’m not talking about chocolate, I’m talking super sugary, sticky, ooey, gooey candy. With that said, as I was thinking of a theme for her 3rd Birthday Party I immediately thought of Candy so we went with a ‘Sweets’ theme. It was perfect for her and I cannot even begin to explain the excitement in her eyes the day of her party. As always, I spent WAY too much time making decorations and favors, but it really paid off when I got an endless amount of compliments at the party. And thanks again to pinterest for coming through with decorating ideas :)

For her party she invited 10 friends, and with the adults mixed in I believe we had about 30+ people at our house, Nana & Pampo even drove down from New Mexico to help us celebrate sweet Autumn. We set up 3 kid size pools and the bouncy castle in the backyard for entertainment. It was the perfect amount of entertainment and kept all 12 kids occupied outside as they each dealt with massive sugar highs. She is so blessed with such amazing friends/family and got some really sweet and generous gifts. It was the perfect day celebrating such a ‘SWEET’ girl. I’ll stop here and let the pictures do the rest of the talking…

Pictures Prior to the guests arriving:

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Tball, Rockies Game, 4th of July & Autumn's 3rd Birthday! 006Autumn's 3rd 'SWEET' Bday Party 031

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Bouncy Balls that look like Pieces of wrapped candy as Party Favors.

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More Party Favors…Ring Pop, Misc. Candy, Side Walk Chalk, & Ice Cream Shaped Bubbles!

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Yes, I hand cut each and every piece of these banners out. My hands did not thank me for this, but my appreciative daughter did and that’s all that matters.

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Yes, I hand wrapped each gumball with streamer and tied the ends with thread as the cupcake toppers to the super cute and bright pink & purple mini cupcakes I made. Why? Mainly because I am partially insane. They came out really cute and were 100% an idea I came up with on my own (meaning without pinterest), so I was SUPER proud of them :) 

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Family Photo before the Party.

Pictures of PARTY time:

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This is how she started out her party because her feet were muddy. Hahaha, she can be such a diva.

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Cousin Bailey & Raylynn having fun in the pool!

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From Left to Right: Keelan, Emma, Owen, Sophia & Eisley.

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Autumn & her BFF Connor. Yes he is 9 and yes he is a boy. BUT when they are together, they are inseparable.

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Present Time:

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Cake Time:

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…..Make a Wish ‘SWEET’ girl!

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My niece Bailey LOVES icing :) Isn’t she the cutest?!?!

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A HUGE thanks to Mimi for all her help with the kiddos as I prepared for the big party. Couldn’t have done it without her!

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And a big Thank You also to Nana & Pampo for driving 450 miles to help up celebrate Autumn’s 3rd B-day! She felt so honored to have y’all there!

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:) New Toy Lovin’ (:

I cannot begin to explain what a pure joy it is to have Autumn in our lives. I always said I wanted all boys when I had kids, but God knew exactly what he was doing when he blessed our lives with this child. I definitely needed a girl. She is a pure joy to be around and is ALWAYS making people laugh and smile (especially her big brother who she adores). She is the most stubborn & hard headed child I have ever met and will never have a problem letting her feelings or wants be known. She is so wild, yet has such a sweet demeanor. She will make you laugh and cry in the same minute. She is such a girly girl, but also likes to get dirty and play Ninja Turtles. She loves a good thrill (ie: fascinated by skateboarders & break dancers) and is always trying to get into things she knows she shouldn’t. She is so independent, but is SUCH a Mama’s girl and doesn’t like me out of range. She loves gymnastics and is learning to flip the bar and can almost do a backbend kick over on her own. She has no interest in learning and would rather spend every second of the day playing. I could not imagine our lives without her and I thank God each and everyday for entrusting this child into our care. Happy Happy Birthday my SWEET Autumn Rebekah Burgess, we are SO proud of the little girl God has molded you into.

Here are some of Autumn’s Favorites @3…

Favorite Princess: Rapunzel

Favorite Color: Pink (everything MUST be pink)

Favorite Sport: Gymnastics

Favorite Food: Hamburger (the kid loves beef)

Favorite TV Show: Lalaloopsy

Favorite Toy to Play With: Disney Princess Little People Castle

Best Friend: Connor Snide

Favorite Movie: Tangled

And that about sums up my Autumn to a T :)

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Anonymous said...