Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sledding & Snowed In


We have been getting snow quite a bit the past few weeks. Nothing crazy (today is another story), but enough to go have some fun sledding. Between Wed night & Thursday morning, I think we got about 6 inches give or take. Anyway, Thursday is our busy day between getting Owen to school, taking Autumn to gymnastics, and back to get Owen, so needless to say we didn’t get to have much playing in the snow that day. Plus it was way too cold to be outside. With that said, Friday had a high of 40 and some sunshine so I decided I better take advantage and go do some sledding with the kids. This was actually both kids first time sledding, crazy I know, especially after living here all winter. Every time we get enough snow to sled, something always comes up and we never make it out. I was a bit nervous taking them by myself since I really didn’t know how it would go with two kids, two sleds, and only one set of hands, but much to my surprise it went flawlessly! The kids LOVED it and were both very independent , meaning they didn’t need much assistance (especially Owen). We had bought them both a sled, long johns, and snow suits for Christmas so we were SO excited to finally be putting them to use two months later. Better late than never I guess. They have both been begging to go back so I guess sledding was a total success, and since we already have a foot of snow from last night (with more snow continuing to fall) I think another round of sledding will be in our very near future, hopefully with Daddy this time :) Here are some pictures I somehow managed to get.


So we live right next to a shopping center and there is a big open space right behind the shopping center. It’s not labeled as an actual ‘sledding hill’ but it is the PERFECT sledding hill and no one is EVER there. We had the entire place to ourselves. There are two different hills, a really steep big hill and a smaller less steep hill. PERFECT for a 4 and 2 year old. They mainly stayed going down the small hill until about an hour in and their confidence levels were beaming and then they wouldn’t stop going down the big hill. I have to admit, made me crazy nervous watching Owen fly down the big hill. He is usually my more timid child but he was fearless out there. He also isn’t a big fan of cold weather, but I had to bribe him to leave and we were there for over 1.5 hours. Crazy kiddos!


The sleds we got them were awesome (Brandon's choice, way to go babe). They are so lightweight so it was very easy for Owen to carry them up the hill all by himself. Owen was seriously a pro out there, went up and down the hill all on his own!


Autumn had a great time too and absolutely LOVES the snow and cold cold weather. She needed more assistance since her poor little legs are so short trying to walk in the snow, but she did SO awesome and laughed hysterically every time she went down the hill.





Of course they had to try going down together a few times.



After all the sledding fun, we warmed up with some nice Hot Chocolate topped with Marshmallows…



Snowed In:

As I mentioned above that we’ve been getting a little snow here the past few weeks but nothing major…well, that all changed today. This morning we woke up to about 8 inches on the ground and the snow just keeps coming and coming. I think we are up to about 14 inches now with it still continuing to come down. The wind is supposed to pick up to 40 mph this afternoon so it will most likely turn into a blizzard out there. It is freezing but o so pretty out there :) Today is finally meeting my Colorado Winter Weather expectations, Yay! Did I mention I LOVE LOVE LOVE the snow?!?! With all that said, the kids and I are having a wonderful pj day snuggled up by the fire, watching cartoons, Painting, and building tents (or forts is your Brandon) out of sheets. If Brandon wasn’t at work this would be the absolute best ‘snowed in’ family day ever :)


This is the view out of Autumn’s window. Soooooooo pretty!!!!





Cartoon Watching by the fire with my babies <3


Painting with Q-Tips.


Tent or Fort, whatever you wanna call it.


To sum this blog up, “Just some BEAUTIFUL Winter Days in Colorado”!

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