Sunday, February 17, 2013

Valentine’s Day 2013

I’ll be the first to admit, Brandon and I are not big fans of Valentines Day. Sure it’s great to have people to Love and what not, but why do we choose only 1 day out of the year to celebrate our love for others? Shouldn’t it be a daily thing? Isn’t that why we celebrate anniversaries? Okay, you get it, we are not ‘Hallmark’ holiday fans. Any who, with that being said, I would never deprive my children of celebrating the day and making it fun and special. It’s those little things you remember as a kid anyway. We didn’t do much, but Owen did get to make out Valentine Card for his celebration at school and the kids helped me put together some cute little treats for his classmates. Autumn had gymnastics that morning and it was ‘bring a friend’ day so she got to bring her Best Friend Eisley along. After Autumn’s nap they each got to open a gift that GG & Papa Nick gave them and then we headed to the store where they each got to pick out a special candy. Then that night we had a nice family movie night and the kids got to have a special ‘sleepover’ with each other. Here are some Valentines Day pics for y’all:)


Here are the treat bags the kids helped me make for Owen’s class. No, I am not that creative, I totally stole the idea from Pinterest. However, I was very pleased with them and I am sure the other parents appreciated a non-candy Valentine treat. The fishbowl says, “So happy we are in the same ‘school’”. Cute, right!?


Owen worked super hard the night before to write out all his Valentines Day cards. He wrote every single one all by himself and his handwringing was very proportionate and legible. I am SO proud of this kid!!!


The top three are Owen’s BFF’s. Okay, I lie, Avenly is his very first crush. Its really bad. They are so flirty with each other at FOUR YEARS OLD!!!!! Owen’s entire voice and demeanor changes when he talks about her. They are inseparable at school, her mom even came up to me the other day to tell me how much Avenly talks and talks about Owen at home. It’s bad, but if I am honest I am proud of his taste. She is so sweet and the cutest little girl :)


The card on the left he chose for Avenly and the card on the right was for his BFF Luke.


My little cuties all ready for the day.


Autumn and her BFF Eisley at gymnastics. They are SO stinkin adorable!!!!

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Cuteness overload!!!!!

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They are so awesome!

It’s almost like they KNEW it was Valentine’s Day, they were so lovely with each other and were inseparable. It was one cute thing after another the entire day long. They have been Best Friends lately.


When we went to the store, they each picked out a big sucker for their treat. Autumn got Strawberry Shortcake flavored and Owen got Root Beer Float flavored. These two LOVE suckers!!!!


Silly time in the bath,


Movie night snuggle time,


and some ‘Sleepover’ fun! They always want to sleep together but we usually end up saying no because it takes them double the amount of time as usual to fall asleep. But since it was a special day we decided to give in. They had a blast and looked absolutely adorable when we went in to kiss them goodnight before we went to bed. The hand holding kills me its so cute!

Happy Valentines Day <3


And two extremely cute pictures to leave you with…



The answer is YES, I am so extremely blessed!

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