Friday, March 1, 2013

Our Week (More sledding, Lunch Date, Morning Mother Daughter Date & Friends)

More Sledding

This week has been busy and fun. Monday morning was the day after our big snow storm so we decided we had to take Daddy out for some sledding since we had so much fun when we went last Friday. It was a lot of fun, but since there was SO much snow, poor little Autumn couldn’t walk. She was a good sport and toughed it out and we made sure to give her lots of assistance. Also, since the snow was so thick, the little hill was pretty much non-existent so we spent our whole morning on the big hill. It was a lot of fun!


Daddy & Owen at the top of the hill


Owen in action


Daddy in action


Autumn & I in action



Love my sweet spunky baby girl :)


And back at home, I think between Brandon and I alternating we shoveled our stinkin driveway about 10 different times in 2 days. Our driveway is SO steep and nearly impossible to get our cars up unless it is nicely shoveled. O what I would give for a massage right about now!


Lunch Date

On Wednesday I decided to reward the kiddos with a special lunch date with just me & the two of them since both of them have had exceptional behavior the past couple weeks. Not that they are really ever that bad, but they have been SO SO good lately. We went to this local 50’s style diner called Gunther Toodys. It was a lot of fun and the kids really loved the atmosphere and all the fun music on the Juke Box! So grateful I am able to stay home with these two and take them on these special dates :)


They were SO ecstatic when they each got a pack of Oreo’s as dessert with their meals.


Morning Mother Daughter Date

Yesterday morning I decided to take Autumn on a little Mommy Daughter Date at Starbucks after we took Owen to school. We always have an hour between dropping Owen off at school and taking her to gymnastics. We could go home but it doesn’t quite make sense since we’d only have a few minutes before turning around and having to head back to her gymnastics. Normally we run errands, picking up a few groceries items, running to the bank , etc. Any who yesterday we had nothing on the agenda so we decided to have a little date. I let her sip my coffee with me (this child LOVES coffee) and she even got to pick out a special treat…a pink cake pop! It was such a sweet morning with my adorable and fun loving daughter.



This child brings so much unexplainable joy to my life.



Yesterday after picking up Owen from school, we were headed off to a friends house for a lunch play day with two of Owens friends from school. My main point here is that we have made some amazing friends this year from his Preschool. All three of us; Owen, Autumn and even myself. Owen did an amazing job picking out some super sweet friends that also gave Autumn and I some pretty awesome friends too. Any who, we caravanned over to Stephanie, Keelan & Eisley’s house and our good friend Michelle & Luke came too. Once we got there Stephanie, Michelle and I cooked some lunch while the kiddos were off playing. We all ate together, laughed together and this kids played their little hearts out, it was such a fun fun fun afternoon.


It was nearly impossible to get a single picture of any of them since they were constantly on the go, but here is my best attempt to get a picture of the fine looking group putting on a dance show for us mommies. Lol.

From left to right we have: Eisley, Luke, Autumn, Keelan, and Owen.


And to leave you with….


The adorable sibling ‘sleepovers’ continue! PRECIOUS!!!!

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