Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Day of Babysitting

This past Thursday, one of my friends Stephanie (Keelan & Eisley’s Mom) asked if I could babysit for the day. I quickly accepted since I knew the kids would absolutely love having their two very good friends over for the day. After gymnastics Stephanie and I did the car seat exchange in the parking lot and the two cutie pie little girls and I were off. I had about an hour with the two girls before heading off to pick up the boys from school. After I picked them up, got all four kiddos loaded up we headed for the park for some outdoor play time and a picnic lunch since it was an absolutely beautiful day out. We stayed at the park for about 1.5 hours and then headed home where the kids played their little hearts out. It was a fun and o so very exhausting day since none of them napped, but well worth it since all the kiddos had a blast.


My car load for the day. I have to admit this was by far the loudest car ride I have ever been on :)


Picnic time! PB & J’s, Grapes, Carrots and Juice Boxes.


Pure Craziness.


Late Afternoon Fruit Snack Time.


These two could’ve played snakes all day. Lol. They used them as blindfolds directing the ‘blind’ person around, they used Autumn’s Princess wand to transform each other into snakes, and they laid in bed ‘sleeping’ with their snakes.


And of course there was lots of Hot Wheels playing too.


And the girls mainly played with stuffed animals, purses and backpacks. They are SO adorable!


And you can’t forget the Princess Doll House playtime :)

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