Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday Play Day

Play day was a bit small this week since some people are out of town and others are just too pregnant to leave the house, but we made the best of it anyway. Today Abby and Olivia came over for some more backyard fun. They started off by playing in the pool, then to the sandbox which quickly turned into mud, then to play on the slide and then I think they all got too hot and just wanted to play inside! The morning was lots of fun and the kids burned off some much needed energy. Enjoy the pics.
Owen and Livie sitting at the picnic table together. Awe, how adorable!
The three amigos playing in the sand/mud box! They all had so much fun until Owen got sand thrown in his eyes! Poor guy.
This was adorable. Olivia would stand by the bottom of the slide and count to three and tell Owen and Abby when to slide down. They had so much fun.
Playing with the one piece of sidewalk chalk they found in the gravel from who knows when! They actually did really well sharing the one piece.

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