Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July

3rd of July BBQ:
So for some weird reason, the city of Rio Rancho decided to celebrate the 4th of July festivities on the 3rd of July. Anyway, our good friends Matt & Kaitlyn, better known as Olivia's parents, decided to have a BBQ for all of our small group. They also live right across the street from where the fireworks are set off so we had an amazing view. It was a wonderful evening. It was not too hot, there was lots of delicious food to eat and best of all, all the kiddos had a great time running around the backyard playing. Fireworks didn't start until 9:30pm and all the kids were successful at staying up to watch them and none of them had any past bedtime melt downs. Here are some pictures from our evening.
Here is Owen and I ready to head off to the party. Daddy had to meet us there after work :( poor Daddy is always working.
Olivia and Owen running around in the rocks. Like their shirts? Kaitlyn and I made them matching flag shirts! Too cute!
Here is adorable little Cami playing.
Owen and Olivia spent most of their time running underneath these nice hammocks. Other of them would come out with their hair sticking strait up!
They also thought they were hilarious.Owen also had a blast pushing Cami around in this little car! I think Cami was getting a little annoyed because Owen couldn't push her very fast. Here are the two little ones playing inside. Caleb above is 5 months and George below is 7 months. And here are the boys playing a bean bag toss game outdoors.
Beautiful Libby and Cami.Olivia loves babies. Here she is trying to give baby Caleb his pacifier. So adorable. She is gonna be my little helper with Autumn.The 3 little BFF's. Aren't they so stinkin adorable!!!
Owen's first sparkler! He loved them.Here is Kaitlyn and Olivia watching/trying to record the firework show. Olivia was a bit scared of these strange bursts of fire exploding in the air. Poor girl!Watching the big firework show. Owen Loved them so much and cried really hard when they ended. I think it was half because he was so tired and half because he really wanted more!
4th of July with Nana & Pampo:
So since we enjoyed the 3rd of July with our small group friends and got to watch the big fire work show that night, we decided to have a quiet laid back, actual 4th of July. We invited my parents over to grill some delicious steaks and corn on the cob. The food was great and of course Owen had a blast. We set up his pool in the backyard and let him run around and have fun. Once it started getting dark we went to the front and lit a few fireworks we had left over from a couple years ago. Owen loved them yet again. He is just like his Daddy, the bigger, louder and brighter the better! Now I have 2 pyro maniacs, o boy!

Here is Owen in the pool singing or more like attempting to sing into the water hose. He loves pretending its a microphone! Silly Boy. Pampo put Owens slide in his pool. Owen loved it and had so much fun.The two playing with sidewalk chalk.

Owen got to play with his first Ladybug yesterday. Here is Daddy trying to get it on Owen's hand. Success! Not sure if you can see it, but it is on his forearm. He loved it! Poor guy was really sad when it dropped and we couldn't find it.

Owen and Daddy playing with those little fireworks you throw on the ground and they pop. I think they are called Blackcat Poppers, but I am not positive, you would have to ask my pyro husband. Owen had so much fun with these but he would get really frustrated if he didn't throw it hard enough for it to pop.Owen and Nana getting ready to watch Daddy's firework show!All set up watching the show!Here is what Owen is pointing to in the picture above. He really liked these goes a big one! Do you see how excited Brandon gets? Boys will be boys i guess.The End! Again Happy Independence Day everyone and Thank You so much to all the Men and Women who have served this country and fought so hard for our Freedom. What an amazing Country we live in! God Bless America!!!!!!