Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Independence is killing me!

Goodbye Baby Boy, Hello Big Toddler! Warning for all parents of infants/babies, once your little one hits 2 years old they have to do everything themselves, and I mean everything! Sounds nice right? NOT...Owen has finally decided that highchairs are for babies! He insists on sitting on a regular chair just like Mommy and Daddy do. So I guess this wouldn't be that big of a deal except for the fact that our chair are basically bar stools that are 2.5 feet off the groud. Yep, that is gonna be one big fall for one little guy someday! O yea, did I mention that he won't let you help him get on or off of them either? If you even dare try he starts having a major melt down and yells, "No, Owen do it, Owen do it!" annoying.

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