Sunday, May 2, 2010

Chandler Wedding

Last night Brandon and I went to some of our very good friends, Jason & Danielle's, Wedding. Brandon has worked with Jason for the past 6 years at Pulte and him and his new wife have become some great friends of ours over the years. They have an adorable little boy 6 months younger than Owen and a beautiful 6 month old baby girl. They are such a beautiful couple and family we were so thankful to be able to witness their love for each other last night. The weather was not the nicest yesterday, a bit windy and chilly, but the Wedding was absolutely beautiful! The bride looked stunning and the ceremony and reception all turned out wonderful. Although we could have let Owen tag along, we decided to leave him and enjoy the night out with just the two of us. Okay well actually three if you include my expanding belly! Owen had his Auntie Kiki and her best friend Cami come over to play. They had a blast and they were even nice & adventurous enough to take him out to Dion's for pizza. Spoiled little boy. Here are some pictures from our evening last night.
Brandon and I all dressed up for the wedding. Yes, my baby bump is really bumpin'.
The lovely couple sharing their vows. Here they are receiving the Lord's Super as Husband and Wife.Mr. & Mrs. Jason and Danielle ChandlerBrandon and I at the reception. The Dinner was so delicious. Anytime someone else puts Owen to bed other than myself I am so anxious all night to see him the next morning when he gets up. Here is Owen and I before church this morning after being away from him last night. Geez, I love him so much!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn Altman said...

Vanessa you look beautiful!