Sunday, May 16, 2010

Visit from Papa Bruce

This weekend, Brandon's Dad came down for a quick visit. He got in Friday evening around 7 and had to leave after church Sunday morning. He was starting to go through Owen withdrawals since he hadn't seen him since Christmas time. Owen is so great at warming up to relatives that he doesn't see on a regular basis. He figured out within minutes that his "Papa Bruce" would do anything and everything he wanted. I volunteer at Church on Saturday nights so Owen had some very special one on one time with his Papa Bruce. They took a walk to the park and had a blast playing with some new puzzles that his Papa Bruce bought him while he was down here. Once Brandon got home from work we went to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner, Turtle Mountain, came home put Owen to bed and we stayed up playing our favorite domino game, Mexican Train. We woke up this morning went to church and then Brandon went off to work and unfortunately Papa Bruce had to head back to Colorado. It is sad his visit was so short since we all really enjoyed his company, but we are so thankful he made the super quick trip down just to spend a little time with Owen. Enjoy the pics. Here they are sitting on the couch together. How sweet. It kind of looks like they are having an intense staring contest. Here they are playing with all the new puzzles Papa Bruce got him, Six to be exact! Puzzles are Owens favorite thing to do these days. He loves them so much that it is the first thing he talks about when we go in his room to get him up after his nap.

Here are the boys before church this morning. I don't know about you but I see a striking resemblance between the three of them. Awe!

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