Saturday, May 29, 2010

2 Year Check Up

This past Thursday Brandon and I took Owen to his pediatrician for his 2 year check up and shots. Everything looked good. He is a healthy growing 2 year old who is too smart for his own good and his measurements are as follows,
Weight: 27 lbs. & 40th Percentile
Height: 36.5 in & 90th Percentile
Head: 47.5 cm & 20th Percentile
So in simple terms, Owen is Tall, Average Weight with a Small Head. Lol. We did have a talk to the doctor about a concern we have had for the past few months, which is that Owen refuses and can't eat with a spoon yet. Most kids can feed themselves with a spoon by themselves around 18 months. So he suggested working really hard with him on it for the next month and if we don't see any improvements during the next month that we should set up an appointment to see an occupational therapist. Please pray we get this down and can avoid therapy.

Yesterday I went to lunch with my Mom and left Owen and Daddy at home for a couple hours. Well, Daddy is amazing and played with Owen and when it came to lunch time he sat Owen down and talked him through this whole spoon process. Sometimes, I guess boys just need lessons from their Dad's because he is doing so good. I have tried working with him in the past and have gotten no where, but after a few meals of Daddy's teaching, Owen can now feed himself a bowl of Applesauce with a spoon all by himself, which is a HUGE improvement! He is still refusing to try feeding himself other foods with the sppon, but this is definitely a huge leap in the right direction. I am sure it is still going to take lots of Practice, Time & Patience until he is all the was there, but Big High Five to Daddy for getting him this far in just two short days!

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