Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another Nice Day Spent at the Zoo

Yesterday was such a beautiful day, so my very good friend and I decided to take our kiddos to the zoo for the afternoon. The weather was absolutely perfect, not too cold and not too hot, which meant most of the animals were out and being very entertaining. Owen loved the Polar Bears (aka Teddy Bears) playing with a giant ball in the water, an Elephant giving himself a bath, the Seals swimming all around and of course the ducks splashing around in the pond. It was such a fun day spent outside with such amazing friends I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. I better hold onto the memories since the rest of the week we are supposed to have winds from 50-70mph. Yucky.

Owen enjoys pushing his stroller more than he likes sitting in it. O the wonderful independent toddler years can be so frustrating.

Here is Owen trying to talk to the Gorilla. Cami was a little more timid going up to the window without holding onto her Mommy's hands. I think the giant Gorilla was a little scary to her. My poor child has absolutely no fear other than the very frightening vacuum cleaner. Owen and I watching the Elephant take a bath. Very fun to watch! And this is what I got when I asked Owen to go stand next to Cami so I could get a picture of them. O well, they are still adorable!

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