Saturday, April 17, 2010

Playing Outside with Nana & Pampo

A couple nights ago Brandon had to work super late, so Owen and I decided to go over to my parents house to hang out. They have a really nice big backyard and Owen absolutely loves to play outside and run around all over. Once we wore him out good enough we went inside and had a delicious dinner that my parents made, Ribs, Sweet Potatoes and Corn. It was delicious and it was a fun way to spend our evening. Here are a few pics. Sorry they aren't the best because I forgot my camera so I took these pictures on my cell phone. Enjoy.Owen kicking the soccer ball. Hanging from the monkey bars my Dad built about 20 years ago for my sister and I. Owen and Pampo looking up at the tree that they accidentally threw the soccer ball in. Owen sitting in Nana and Pampo's plum tree. Nana helping Owen wash his hands before dinner. I think they had more fun blowing the bubbles off his hands than actually washing his hands. As you can see, Owen hated it!

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