Saturday, December 19, 2009

Small Group Christmas Party!

So blogging is the absolute last thing in the world I should be doing right now, but O' well. Seriously, we leave for Denver tomorrow and I have nothing packed yet and my washer and drier are beeping at me to fold my laundry and I am seriously trying to tune it out. I am in denial about everything I need to and should be doing and I really hate packing. So I am choosing to blog instead. This past Wednesday, Brandon and I hosted our first Small Group Christmas Party. We actually combined our small group with our old leaders small group and made it one big giant party! The theme was a Crappy Christmas Sweater and a Cookie Exchange Party. It was a blast! Most everyone, with the exception of a few party poopers, came dressed in some pretty nasty looking Christmas sweaters. It was pretty funny, even Owen had a crappy Christmas sweater on. At then end of the night we voted on the ugliest sweater and that person got a little gift from Brandon and I. We also had a cookie exchange. Everyone brought a dozen cookies and we all pigged out on junk food and then everyone got to take a dozen assorted cookies home with them. It was a lot of fun and super delicious. On top of everything we even had a fun White Elephant gift exchange. That is always fun watching everyone open ridiculous gifts. Here are some fun pictures from our night. Merry Christmas!!!!The Burgess' all dressed up in our Crappy Christmas Sweaters. Like Owens? It was way too small and we bought it at Goodwill. He was such a good sport and made that ugly sweater look good!
He loves posing for the camera!
The Williams' family dressed in their Tacky T-Shirts. Brandon & Blake. Yes boys, you look very tough wearing your wonderful women's sweaters? Me and Jess. Don't we look awesome in our sweater vests?And the White Elephant Gift Exchange begins. A Rubber Mallet anyone? Or the always wonderful Nuns Having Fun Calendar!Or the always intriguing used sports equipment!
But seriously, what could be better than Aqua Globes?Wow! Check out that sweater. I haven't seen one like that since the early 80's. Anyone remember the cupcake decorating book I got for my Birthday. Well I decided to try it out! Here are the ornament cupcakes I stayed up all night making the night before the party! And here is our wonderful assortment of cookies. They were all so delicious!


Anonymous said...

All your new blog pictures are awesome! You did a great job on the cupcakes. Sorry you mother-in-laws gift turned out to be a nightmare!!! But you know I love you:)

Can't wait to see all of you!!!!

Kaitlyn Altman said...

Your cupcakes are SWEET! ;) Can you throw another Christmas sweater party in January???

Kaitlyn Altman said...

Brandon...that is a very femanine sweater