Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Household Chores

So lately Owen has been very into helping out around the house! I am not really sure if it is mean to have him start doing chores at such a young age, but I figure if he is willing I might as well let him. I am sure there will be a day when it will be like pulling teeth to have him do his chores. Here are a few pictures of Owen sweeping the floors for me this morning. I had just finished giving him a hair cut that's why he is in his diaper and socks. He was so fascinated with the broom! He loved pushing it around and reminding Mommy how long it had been since she last swept!

I know he looks a little anorexic here, but I swear we feed him, he just burns off more calories than he eats right now. He is one busy boy and never sits still unless Mickey Mouse is involved!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn Altman said...

I was wondering the smae thing if having our one year old clean was cruel...but they actually enjoy it! Miss you!!!