Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chicago Trip; Part 1 (Hanging out with the Family)

Brandon, Owen and I just got back from vacation in Chicago, IL. We went to visit Brandon's Aunt, Uncle and Three Cousins who moved away 2 years ago from Albuquerque. We miss them so much and were so excited we finally got to go visit. Brandon's Mom actually had never been there either so she met us out there; any good excuse to see Owen and she is there! Jk. She was so sweet and babysit for 8 hours one day so Brandon and I could go have fun at Six Flags. He had a blast with his Grammy. We had an absolute blast while we were out there. The week flew by and it was extremely hard to say Goodbye! Good thing Ellie will be graduating in 2 years so we have an excuse to go back. Owen had so much fun hanging with his cousins, he loved them all so much. He loved Ellie for letting him play with her cell phone. He liked to give Casey his fakest cry so Casey would let him do whatever he wanted. And Olivia was his go-to-girl when he got in trouble, she would pick him up and let him lay on her shoulder, it was too cute. Well enjoy all the vacation pictures. WE MISS YOU FINK FAMILY!!!!!
Owen and His Cousin's Ellie, Casey and Olivia
Aunt Teri and Owen sitting on the patio drinking some Milk!
Grammy Becky and Olivia snacking on some Pretzels on the Patio
Olivia reading a book to Owen.
Owen with the Fink Family.

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