Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Brandon's 2nd Father's Day

Wow...It's hard to believe that last Father's day Owen was just 3 weeks old. It' even harder to believe how much has changed in that past year. Owen went from barley being able to hold his own head up to a walking and talking toddler. God is so amazing! Well this Father's Day we were headed back home from our Chicago trip. The day didn't start off too well since we had to say Goodbye to family and because of Owen's 45 minute meltdown on the plane. However; the day improved once we finally got home. We spent the evening with my parents and my sis and bro-in-law. My parents made a delicious Steak dinner for us. It was AWESOME!!! Here are a few pictures from the day...
Here is my Owen and his Pampo, Owen is wearing the shirt Pampo bought him at the 2009 Fiery Foods show in Albuquerque.
Here is a picture of a family who is a little exhausted from traveling.
Brandon modeling his new Transformer's T-shirt Owen bought him for Father's Day! Nerd! J/K
Brandon showing off his gift that Owen and I made for him. We went and had pictures taken for him of the two of us and Owen painted his hand prints on a paper for Daddy to save.
Owen playing with the new Cordless Electric Screwdriver we got his Pampo for Father's Day.

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