Saturday, May 30, 2009

Owen at his Cousin Rachel's Wedding...

Today Owen and I went to my cousin Rachel's wedding. The ceremony was beautiful but of course I was stuck watching the whole thing from the nursery because Owen's attention span is 2 seconds and he can't sit still. My cousin looked gorgeous, but unfortunately I wasn't able to snag the bride aside to snap a picture of her. I did however have Owen all dressed up so I decided to take a few pictures for you all to see. Hope you enjoy...
Here is Owen sitting with his Pampo(Grandpa Lujan) waiting for the ceremony to begin.
Here is a picture of My Mom and Owen's cousin Alicia who is 5 weeks older than him, isn't she adorable!!!
Owen and his Grandma at the reception. How cute!
This was too cute! Alicia was giving Owen a kiss on his cheek.
Saying goodbye can be a hard thing to do. Here is an adorable pic of Owen and Alicia giving kisses goodbye! I know they are cousins, but it is still adorable!!

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