Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Family Lunch...

For Mother's Day my family went to Bucca Di Beppo for a family lunch. Unfortunately Brandon had to work so he wasn't able to make it. It was very packed and crazy, but quite delicious. Owen on the other hand is no longer very easy to take out to eat. His attention span is very short so he only really enjoyed it through the appetizer stage, after that he was very cranky and all over the place. Luckily he loves his Grandpa Lujan who was a huge help since Brandon wasn't there...
Here is my family! Papa and Mama Lujan and Bro-in-law Chris and My sis Jessica.
Owen loves his Grandpo Lujan more than anyone else. He has gotten so attached to him that he cries when I take him from him. It makes Grandpo really happy and Mommy really sad :(
Owen with his very proud Grandparents!
Auntie Jessica, Owen and Mommy!
We let Owen down on the floor to stretch his legs a bit cause he was getting extremely tired of sitting in the high chair. This is him going through his Auntie's purse.

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