Saturday, May 18, 2013

A House Full of Sickies

This past week our household got hit hard with sicknesses. It started off at the end of last week with us all getting hit bad with allergies, itchy eyes, clear runny noses, etc. Tuesday morning, Owen seemed okay so we sent him off to school for Beach Day. When I picked him up he looked terrible. Red Eyes, So tired, and told me his ear was hurting. Off to the doctors we went. Turns out he had an Ear & Eye Infection, so we headed home for meds, fluids, and rest. That same morning I was feeling completely fine, by 3pm I noticed my throat was really itchy, and by 7pm I could hardly swallow. So Wednesday morning Brandon stayed home to take care of us and I was off to the doctors. I had strep, my throat was covered in white puss, OUCH! I haven’t been this sick since Sophomore Year of High School, it was no fun. By Thursday morning I was feeling SO much better after being on antibiotics for 24 hours and Owen was right behind me on his road to recovery. Thank goodness. It was his last day of pre-school and he was NOT going to miss it. Sent him off to school and noticed Autumn was a big mess (snotty nose, sore throat, itchy blood shot eyes, etc.) so off to the doctor we went. Surprise surprise, an ear infection & pink eye. Double YUCK! So as you can imagine, our house was a complete biohazard full of sickies. Owen was just so excited that he didn’t have to miss his last day of school, but I felt like a terrible Mom since I had to miss his End of the Year Ice Cream Social :( Luckily my friend Michelle (Luke’s Mom) was there as my stand in :)

Thankfully by Friday evening we are ALL feeling world’s better from when we started the week and Owen was even able to make it to his 1st Tball Game this morning.


My first sign that Owen wasn’t feeling very well, was Monday afternoon when he curled up on my lap and fell asleep. Poor baby. He hasn’t slept on me since he was a chubby little baby.


Wednesday, Owen and I spent all day in bed watching Movies while Daddy played with Autumn.


And Thursday afternoon we decided to take things easy so everyone can get better since we have a big weekend and a 5th Birthday to celebrate next week. AND Nana & Pampo will be here tonight!!!!!!!!!


And since my Hubby is AWESOME, he decided to give me the night off from cooking last night and took us all out to dinner :)


And THANK GOODNESS for antibiotics, because this morning we all woke up back to normal and feeling a-okay! It’s honestly a complete miracle that Brandon stayed healthy through it all, he has the best immune system EVER!

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